What are the plans for faculty computer replacements?
We have a new computer lease for retained faculty in place. USciences IT has contacted Faculty who opted for Dell Laptops and they may select an exchange appointment.
Unfortunately, worldwide supply chain shortages and Covid continue to impact our supplier’s delivery times for Apple computers, desktops, and peripherals. We do not have any of the ordered Apple computers, and we do not expect them to arrive until May.
In May, USciences IT will be scheduling with departments to exchange ALL remaining faculty-lease computers before the campus merge. All leased computers MUST be returned.
What are the plans to collect technology from those not transitioning to SJU
Beginning on Monday 5/23 (9 to 5), and concluding on 5/31, at 3pm you may turn in your USciences computer and IT peripherals at Alumni Hall, room 100. All USciences equipment and access items must be returned.
Please bring laptops, tablets, iPads, mobile/portable devices, and any other equipment to Alumni Hall, room 100, adjacent to Public Safety. Someone from IT will be on hand to collect everything.
Note: All computers will be erased prior to being turned in to the leasing company, so please be sure to make a copy of any personal files that you wish to keep.