What's New in Lancaster?

Start of Term Technology Support

Welcome Back for the start of the new semester.

Our team will be stationed in the student commons area outside of classrooms 1200 and 1600 during the first week of classes. Stop by for tech support!

Laptop Kiosk for Students

Students will find a loaner laptop kiosk located in the atrium in front of Cooper 1520. Students who need to borrow a laptop for exams will simply type in their username and password at the kiosk and be able to borrow a laptop for a period of 8 hours.

Classroom Computers

You will need to login to all classroom computers with your SJU username and password.

Horizon VDI Changes

The Lancaster VDI environment was updated to align with your SJU credentials.

In order to complete the above action items, you will retain access to your previous PA College desktop profile until Monday, September 30.  To access your PA College profile you will need to be on campus and log into Horizon VDI with your PA College email and password.

The Teams phone system, Legacy PA College Portal, Outlook, Office 365 and CloudDriveMapper will still use your legacy PA College email address and password.

Eduroam Wireless Network

 To join the Eduroam network, you will use your full SJU email address and password and accept the certificate while on campus. Full instructions are found here.

Shared Mailbox Voicemail Changes

Shared mailbox voicemails were transitioned to a Google Collaborative Inbox. When callers leave a voicemail message, it will be sent to the Google Group and Collaborative Inbox. Users were sent direct communication if this change impacted them.

The functionality with this new process will be similar to what you were used to with the shared mailbox. For full details on how to use the Google Collaborative Inbox, please read the information in the linked Google article. When receiving a voicemail to this Google Group, you can choose to manage it from your inbox or through the Collaborative Inbox. Please adjust your business process in the way that makes sense for your team.