Managing the Uncaptioned Video
What do you do if the video you’d like to use in your course space is not captioned?
Captions are not a “nice to have,” captions are required by law. How you handle the uncaptioned video depends on a few factors: 1. Do you “own” the video? 2. Is the video available with captioning? 3. Are you permitted to add captions to the video currently not captioned? 4. Is there a suitable alternative that is captioned?
If you own the video, meaning you created the video, go ahead and upload the video into Kaltura for automatic captioning.
If you don’t own the video, you will need to seek permission from the owner/ creator. If the video is a youtube video, this will be a very complicated and challenging task (locating and getting permission from the owner of the video). If at all possible, it is strongly suggested that you find a suitable alternative for that particular video. There are many videos available with captioning.
If you don’t own the video, but have licensed the video for use, reach out to the creator and see if a captioned version of the video is available. Often times a captioned video exists and can be shared. This is often the case with publisher-created video. Note: When purchasing videos, try and purchase the captioned version. It will make your life simpler in the long run. If the owner/creator does not have a captioned version, seek permission to caption the video in-house. This would permit uploading of the video to Kaltura for captioning. Critical: Get all permission in writing! Proof of permission will be required.