Zoom is a great way to stay connected right now, and we hope these tips will help you continue to host amazing classes and events using this platform! Like most other public forums, it’s possible to have a person (who may or may not be invited) disrupt an event that’s meant to bring people together. Here are some Zoom features that can help you safely share your Zoom virtual classroom without unwanted interruptions.
Zoom is a great way to stay connected right now, and we hope these tips will help you continue to host amazing classes, department meetings and events using this platform! Like most other public forums, it’s possible to have a person (who may or may not be invited) disrupt an event that’s meant to bring people together. Here are some Zoom features that can help you safely share your Zoom virtual classroom without unwanted interruptions.
Class Management
In the event that you encounter a disruptive participant during class, we recommend that you click the Security Shield and do the following:
- Remove the participant from the class. They will not be able to rejoin the class.
- Report the intruder
- Mute the participant.
- Stop a participant's video.

Information can be found here on how to manage participants in your class.
Manage screen sharing
You do not want disruptions in your Zoom from a participant taking control of the screen and sharing unwanted content with the group. In collaboration with the Provost's Office, we have restricted this so that the Host is the only one who can screen-share by default.
Below are options available to enable your students to share content in a Zoom session:
- If you would like to restore previous functionality, where all participants can share their screen, then, using the host controls at the bottom, click the arrow next to Share Screen and then Advanced Sharing Options.

Under “Who can share?” choose “All Participants” and close the window.
- If you would like to allow one participant or a small group of participants to share their screen, then, using the host controls at the bottom, click on Manage Participants, then as you hover over the participant's name, select the option Make Co-Host.
- If you would like to share your participant's file or link, without changing the screen sharing options or the role of the participant, then have the participant share the file or link before or during the session. Then, using the host controls at the bottom, click Share Screen, and select the application you wish to share. With this option, you are in control of screen sharing.
Other Tips
- Enable Waiting Rooms for hosts to control who comes and goes. SJU has Waiting Rooms disabled by default.
- Schedule your class to require registration. SJU does not require registration by default.