Nudge is an application that the Office of Information Technology has deployed to advise users of macOS security updates. If your SJU-provided Mac is out of date, you'll see a prompt like this one:

Click the Update Device button to launch System Preferences > Software Update and install the latest security updates.
Nudge runs in the background approximately every 30 minutes and determines if a notification needs to be sent about a pending update. Nudge will detect if you're using your camera or sharing your screen during a Zoom meeting, and will not pop up during those times.
If you'd prefer to be reminded later, click the Defer button at the bottom-right corner to receive another notification at a date and time of your choosing.
The deadline is selected during free period, to avoid interrupting class schedules. Users are given a minimum of 7 days to install macOS updates, and each update is submitted to OIT's Change Management Board for approval.
If you are past the deadline, Nudge will become more persistent about reminding you to update. You will see reminders every 30 minutes, and all of your other applications will be hidden each time. The rest of your screen will be blurred, as well, and you might encounter issues with launching applications. It is strongly recommended that you update at your earliest convenience.

Newly set up Macs (including loaners) that are out of date and past the deadline will receive a "grace period," where Nudge does not appear until 1 hour after the computer has been set up, and the user is given an extra 23 hours to update to the latest version of the macOS.
If you encounter issues with Nudge, or are unable to update your SJU computer, please contact the Technology Service Center for assistance.