How do I complete a Travel Expense Reimbursement?


This guide will cover:

  • How to complete a travel expense reimbursement

    Instructions for Completing the Travel Expense Reimbursement:

  • The travel expense reimbursement report must be a complete detail of the trip and associated expenses.

  • Only one travel expense report must be submitted even if the funding is coming from different department budgets.

  • Travel reimbursement must be submitted within 30 days of trip conclusion.



To submit a travel expense reimbursement form.

Step One:

Download the Business Expense Reimbursement Form

For Part I: Payee Information

Step Two:

Complete the staff name, employee ID #, mailing address, purpose of trip, and location. Fill in the beginning and ending date of the trip, SIgn and date your expense report.

For Part II: Record of Expenses

Step Three:

Fill in the individual dates of the trip in the space above the days of the week. Enter your travel location.

Step Four:

Complete the daily expense items. Please note that meal receipts must include the date, time, names of all persons involved in the purchase. Properly documented receipts provide evidence that allows the University to utilize a reimbursement plan not taxable to the employee under IRS regulations. The electronic copy of the form will automatically total both rows and columns. They should total to the same number. The totals will calculate as dollar amounts.


Part III: Expense Reconciliation

Step Five:

Enter total of all expenses. The reconciliation must include any travel advances and expenses paid in advance by SJU; e.g.; airfare through Direct Travel.

Part IV: Accounting

Step Six:

Enter the fund and org number for each expense.

Part V: Approvals

The supervisor must sign and print their name with date. Include the department name. The person requesting reimbursement cannot sign off on their own travel reimbursement request.



Upon completion of the form, you must attach all receipts to the expense report. Any expenses not substantiated with an itemized receipt require completion of a missing receipt form. Upload your form and supporting documentation through TeamDynamix using the Request for Travel Reimbursement form (TDxTRF).

Reference Tool

Download the Travel Expense Reimbursement Checklist for a guide on how to properly submit your form.

This completes the process for submitting a travel expense reimbursement form.



Article ID: 139700
Mon 5/23/22 5:06 PM
Tue 1/3/23 9:00 AM