How do I make phone calls between Hawk Hill campus and University City campus?


  • To place a call from Hawk Hill campus to the University City campus, please dial 4 plus the 4 digit University City extension. 
  • To place a call from the University City campus to the Hawk Hill campus, please dial 6 plus the 4 digit Hawk Hill extension. 
  • You can also transfer or forward calls to extensions at the other campus by using the same prefix: 4 to reach University City and 6 to reach Hawk Hill.

For calls within either campus you can still dial using the 4 digit extension or you may now also dial using the 5 digit extension:

  • For instance, a Hawk Hill user calling Hawk Hill Public Safety extension 1111 may dial either 1111 or 61111. Similarly, a University City user calling University City Public Safety extension 1117 may dial either 1117 or 41117.



Article ID: 142946
Thu 11/3/22 3:42 PM
Mon 12/16/24 8:00 AM