Canvas Accessibility Checker


How do I use the Accessibility Checker in the Rich Content Editor of Canvas?


Within Canvas, there is an Accessibility Checker. You can access the tool from within the rich content editor. The Accessibility Checker will review your content created within the rich content editor for common accessibility issues. If any issues are identified, the affected area will be highlighted, the accessibility attribute will display, and an explanation of the error will be available. With the information provided, you can correct the issue and apply the changes to the affected area in the rich content editor.

To ensure that your course content is accessible to all, it is recommended that you check each content page as you are building/updating your course(s) in Canvas.

For more information on how to use the Canvas Accessibility Checker, please visit the guide. 



Article ID: 61405
Tue 8/28/18 1:52 PM
Thu 9/2/21 1:09 PM