How do I setup my voicemail for the first time?


Voice Messaging Instructions:

To access it from your extension:

Dial 2900

at the prompt for a security code (password), enter 7584295

follow the prompts to change your security code (password)

follow the prompts to record your name

follow the prompts to record a greeting

stay on the line until you are congratulated for completing the set up process.

To access a mailbox from off campus:

Dial 610-660-2900

at the prompt to access your mailbox, enter #
at the prompt for your mailbox number, enter the 7 digit mailbox number

at the prompt for your security code, enter the same password you use from your campus extension.



Article ID: 8374
Wed 8/12/15 10:56 AM
Tue 9/10/24 12:56 PM