Hardware Recommendations for Remote Work

To work successfully from off-campus, you'll need a reasonably recent computer (defined below) and operating system to ensure software compatibility and security protections. Tablets and cell phones can be useful as supplementary equipment, but they are not adequate standalone equipment for working remotely.

  • If you have an SJU-issued computer: Test it at home before you need to telework.
  • If you plan to use your personal computer: Ensure that it meets the requirements outlined below and for Lancaster employees, ensure you have the Horizon client installed.

The computer you use should meet the following minimum criteria. If you're unsure how to find this information, follow this guide for Windows and this guide for Mac.

  • Operating System: Windows 11 or MacOS Sonoma
  • RAM: 8GB

We also recommend a headset that can connect to your computer to reduce background noise and improve sound quality.

If you are unsure which peripherals to order, please enter a ticket and Todd Phillippi will follow up.

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