Respondus Support Resources

  • Respondus Technical Support KnowledgeBase - Here you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions, and even a few obscure ones.
  • Daily training webinars hosted by Respondus - This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.
  • If you are an instructor and would like Respondus support, please schedule a free, 15-minute screen share with a Respondus trainer. This “office hours” appointment is a great way to ask general questions about online proctoring with Respondus Monitor.  Using an instructor login for the LMS, go to the LockDown Browser tool and select the LockDown Browser setting for a quiz. Then select the “Questions?” button to schedule a session.



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Respondus LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor

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