Use the Roll Call Attendance Tool

Set Up Roll Call Attendance

To enable Roll Call Attendance, go to the desired course and click on the Settings section.

Open Settings

Select the Navigation tab.

Open Navigation

Click on the Gear icon next to Attendance. Select Enable. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the Attendance tool into the enabled list.


Once the Roll Call Attendance tool is enabled, go to the desired course and click on the Attendance section. This section only appears to instructors, not students.

Open Attendance

Click on the Gear icon, then Roll Call Settings. Adjust the grade percentage that is given to students who arrive late.

Edit Value of Lateness

Take Roll

To take roll, go to the Attendance section of your course. You can view your class as a list (1) or as a seating chart (2).

View Attendance

Go to the desired date by using the arrows (1) or the calendar icon (2).

Switch to a Different Date

Check the circle next to each person's name to indicate attendance (1). A green check mark indicates that the student was present and on time. A red X indicates that the student was absent. An orange check mark means that the student was late to class. You can also mark all as present (2) or unmark all (3) to start over.

Take Attendance

Grade Attendance Using Roll Call

After the first time you take roll, Roll Call Attendance is given its own assignment group under the Assignments Section (to get it to show under the Assignments section, pick a date in the Attendance section and "Mark All as Present" or take roll for the first time).

Click on the Roll Call Attendance title and select Edit to edit the point value and how the grades are displayed.  Do NOT change the name of it.

Create Weighted Assignment Group

Attendance is automatically graded as a percentage in the Gradebook as you use the Roll Call tool. You can mute the assignment to hide the attendance grade from students in the Gradebook.

Mute Attendance Assignment

Resetting Roll Call Attendance

If you edit the point value of Roll Call Attendance, or if the grades aren't calculating correctly, reset Roll Call Attendance by clicking on Attendance in the left-hand navigation menu, marking all students as present, and then unmarking them all. That will reset the tool and should fix any grading issues. 


You can download individual attendance grades by going to Attendance, clicking on the Gear icon, and selecting Attendance Report.

Open Attendance Reports

You can filter the report by date (1) and/or choose to only download a report for a specific student by entering their SIS student ID (2). The report will be sent to you via email (3).

Enter Report Criteria

Students can access their Attendance reports by going to the Gradebook and clicking on the Roll Call Attendance assignment. They will see the date that the instructor took attendance in the course (1), an overview of their attendance record (2) in graph form and a graph key (3). Their total score (4) and a list of dates they were absent or late is also shown.



How do I configure the Roll Call Attendance tool? (Links to an external site.)

How do I edit the Roll Call Attendance Assignment? (Links to an external site.)

How do I create a Roll Call seating chart? (Links to an external site.)

How do I take roll call using the Attendance tool? (Links to an external site.)

How do I run Roll Call Attendance reports? (Links to an external site.)

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