Creation of Rank and Tenure Courses.


The Creation of Rank and Tenure course utilizes a Blueprint course called Rank and Tenure Blueprint.  This course controls and locks the structure of the course homepage and course menu.

Before you begin

 A new course to associate with the Rank and Tenure Blueprint is created based on the Tenure Track code in banner

The naming convention for these courses is as follows.

Course Name:  Rank and Tenure - Last Name, First name

Course Code: RT_ID number

SIS ID: RT_ID number

Associate The Rank and Tenure course with a blueprint course

  1. In the course navigation menu of the blueprint course, click Settings. Then, in the sidebar at the right, click Blueprint Manager.
  2. Click Associate Courses. Courses already associated with the blueprint course will be listed under "Associated Courses".
  3. Under "Available Courses", select a term to display the list of courses you can associate with the blueprint course.
  4. Check the box for each course you wish to associate.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Review the lists under "Final List of Associated Courses" and "Summary of Actions". If everything looks correct, click Submit. (To return to the course association screen and change your selections, click Edit.)

When you complete the association process, the content and settings in the blueprint course will be pushed to the associated course(s).

Once the Blueprint process is completed, Enrollments should be added and removed  under the people link in the new Rank and Tenure course.  "+ People" is the link to add people.


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