Classrooms with Panopto Lecture Capture

Where can I request Panopto Lecture Capture?

We now use Panopto lecture capture throughout the University City campus and in select classrooms on the Hawk Hill Campus. To view spaces on any campus that is lecture capture ready, please visit our Classroom Technology Website. The types of Lecture capture rooms are explained as below, and will show up in the Classroom Technology page as Yes, Partial, or No.


Depending on your classroom you may expect one of three levels of lecture capture service at HawkHill or University City:

  1. Full and Turn-Key Lecture Capture Ready - These rooms will have integrated high quality cameras, microphones, and AV switching. This includes some rooms at HawkHill and all classrooms University City.
    • These rooms will capture the podium PC desktop, the switching system content (guest laptop, doc cam, Mersive, etc.), and the room audio.
  2. Partial Lecture Capture Service - These rooms will have multiple webcams to support both lecture capture and Zoom. 
    • These rooms will capture the podium PC desktop as well as the webcam video and audio.
    • However they won’t capture the switching system content, any guest laptop, or doc cam.
      • The doc cams on HH can also be displayed on the PC desktop by opening the vSphere app. This will ensure the doc cam content is projected and captured in Panopto.
  3. No Capture Services - These rooms will not support any AV capture. 


Faculty may opt-out if teaching in Lecture Halls GRI A & C, PTC 140 and STC 145, otherwise all lectures in those lecture halls are automatically captured.

Faculty MUST opt-in for all regular Classrooms (NOT IN BOLD) at UC and all classrooms at HawkHill. 

  • BELH – 101, 113, 115, 212, 213, 216, 217, 301, 303
  • BALO – 226
  • CONH – 120
  • MANV – 103, 111, 128, 310, 313
  • MERH – 161B, 246, 274, 275, 316A
  • POST – 100, 294, 322
  • SCTR – 100A, 100B, 200, 300, 314A, 316, 319, 400, 409
  • AH – 100, 101, 117
  • ARC  201
  • GLS  201, 202, 203, 307
  • GRI  IPHL, A, C, 150, 210, 301A, 307, 338
  • IPEX – 105, 230, 237, 239, 240, 311A, 311B, 307 (A-D)
  • LLC – 101, 102, 103
  • PTC – 110, 113, 140
  • RH – 101, 102
  • STC – 101, 104, 137, 145, 147, 148, 202, 204, 237, 302, 305, 313, 337
  • WDL – 107, 114, 117, 119, 133, 139 
  • WH – 207

Please Note: 

Lecture capture is NOT intended to capture the whiteboard. While lecture capture may record the whiteboard in some rooms it is not the purpose.  We can never guarantee the quality of the handwriting recorded because there are too many variables which can make it illegible in the recording including room lighting, whiteboard cleanliness, camera resolution, whiteboard marker quality, instructor’s handwriting size, and handwriting clarity.

To request Panopto Lecture Capture click here.

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