This guide will cover:
- Outline Request for Funds invoice processing requirements
- How to submit a Request for Funds form using TeamDynamix (TDxRFF)
Requests for payment not requiring a purchase order or payments where a purchase order was not requested prior to having the vendor deliver the goods or services will be processed using the Request for Funds Form. The Request for Funds form can also be used to request payment for certain expenses that do not require a purchase order.
You can generate a request for funds request in TDxRFF and upload supporting documentation attachments when completing the request. The form will route to the budget manager and then to Accounts Payable who will review and process payment to the vendor. When submitting your request, be sure to:
- Refer to the Request for Funds matrix to determine if your request is eligible to be processed through a Request for Funds.
- Use the proper budget code and ensure availability of funds
- Upload supporting documentation with the request
- Indicate whether a paper check will be required otherwise all payments will be processed using the University's preferred disbursement method: ACH
- For foreign vendors, an international wire will be used to process payment. The department must note the remittance information on the Special Instructions to Accounts Payable section.
How to submit a Request for Funds (TDxRFF) form
Step One:
Login to TeamDynamix and access Procurement / Accounts Payable service catalog.
Step Two:
Select Request for Funds Form, click Request Service on the right hand corner
Step Three:
Upon selecting Request Service, the following screen will appear:
Step Four:
If you are not submitting a travel related request, select "No" to show the fields related to a Request for Funds form. Enter the following parameters:
Is this vendor (payee) currently registered to do business with SJU - If selection, "No", do not submit this form and contact Procurement Services for next steps.
Payee - Identify the type of payee SJU will be paying
Vendor Name - Enter the name of the vendor who will be receiving payment
Remit To - Enter remittance address of where payment will be sent. Note: while this is a required field, if the vendor is currently receiving electronic payments, the disbursement method will be ACH.
Step Five:
Enter the following parameters:
Select the appropriate non - PO payment category - See Request for Funds matrix for definitions of types of payment allowed through this form.
Business Purpose of Expense - Enter the business purpose for this request. All payment requests must clearly explain the nature of the expense and how it directly benefits SJU.
Invoice Date / Date of Request - Enter the date of the vendor invoice or the date you are submitting this request if no date on the vendor invoice.
Invoice Number - Enter the vendor invoice number or if no invoice number present, enter date of request followed by PAY for regular payments, REM for travel and non travel expense reimbursements or AWA for prizes / awards; e.g. 052122PAY, 052122REM, 052122AWA
Invoice Amount - Enter the amount due to the vendor.
Step Six:
Enter the following parameters:
Budget Numbers - Enter the budget codes that will be paying for the expense. If entering more than one budget code, please separate by using semicolons (;). Your budget codes must be made up of the Fund, Org and Account (e.g., 1100 411003 7061).
Budget Managers - Select the department that will be paying for the expense. The department selected will route to the department's assigned budget manager. You can select more than one budget manager by hitting the space tab.
Attachment - Upload your supporting documentation. See Request for Funds matrix for required documentation for each type of request.
Department is requesting for check to be - Select the disbursement method preferred. Note: all payments will default to ACH unless a paper check is requested.
Special Instructions to Accounts Payable - Include any comments you need Accounts Payable to see; e.g. Please expedite.
Request - Submit request to submit form and start the workflow approval process.
This completes the process for submitting payment of an invoice using a Request for Funds form.