This guide will cover:
- How to submit the Non-PO Bulk Invoice Upload process
The bulk invoice upload tool provides the options to departments to load multiple non-PO invoices at one time through the Bulk Upload form located in TeamDynamix. Departments are encouraged to use this process when submitting batch invoices in excess of five (5) invoices. All supporting documentation must still be provided for processing of bulk invoices in accordance to university policies. If you are interested in using this process for payment of PO invoices, you must contact Accounts Payable first prior to submission for additional information.
How to submit the Non-PO Bulk Invoice Upload (TDxBulkInvoice) Form in TeamDynamix
Step One:
Login to TeamDynamix and access Procurement / Accounts Payable service catalog.
Step Two:
Select Bulk Invoice Upload, click Request Service on the right hand corner
Step Three:
Upon selecting Request Service, the following screen will appear:
Step Four:
Enter the following parameters:
Expected Overall $ Total from File - This is the batch total amount to be processed from the aggregate of all the invoices uploaded for processing.
Step Five:
This step is the most important part of this process. Not uploading the excel template will result in return of ticket request;
Locate the excel template on the Bulk Invoice form and open onto your desktop. The following excel file will appear.
Enter the following parameters:
Columns A, B, C - Will be made up Fund, Org and Account which are the budget codes that will incur the expense.
Columns D, E, F - Will be made up of the vendor's Banner ID #, Address Type, Address Code; e.g. 10725686 PO 1. The vendor name is not needed for this process. If you do not know the vendor sequence information, please contact Accounts Payable for additional information.
Columns G, H, I - Will be made up of the amount to be paid to the vendor, vendor invoice number (if available) otherwise assign a series of random numbers that do not duplicate and activity. The activity will only apply if you have dollars allocated in an activity within your budget code for this expense.
Upon completion, save your excel spreadsheet as you will need to upload it in Step Six.
Step Six.
Upload your excel spreadsheet along with your supporting documentation; e.g. vendor invoices, award notices. Submit Request to initiate workflow approval process.