How to Apply for a Purchasing Card (P-Card)

This guide will cover:

  • Who is eligible to get a P-Card.
  • How to apply for a P-Card.


The P-Card program is primarily for employees who have a purchasing responsibility for their department.

Who Can Get a Card?

You are eligible for a Purchasing Card if you:

  • Are a current SJU employee on active payroll status and in good standing
  • Receive departmental approval
  • Complete the required training

You must have working knowledge of University procurement policies and procedures before applying for the card.

If a card is requested for someone who does not already have purchasing responsibilities, a justification will be required on the application. These cards will only be issued on an exception basis where a significant business need is demonstrated.

How Do I Get a Card?

To apply for a Purchasing Card, you must be a permanent SJU employee who has been delegated authority for departmental purchasing by your department. You must also receive approval from your department.

Cardholder Responsibilities:

1. Take the Procurement Card Training: Complete the online Purchasing Card training found on SJU Bridge. Once you have complete the training, you will be able to complete the Application.

2. Complete the Cardholder Application in TeamDynamix using the Procurement Card Request Form.


Step One:

To start the application, Request a Service through the form by logging into SJU TeamDynamix.

Step Two:

Select the Procurement Card Request / Change Form, click Request Service on the right hand corner.

Step Three:

Upon selecting Request Service, the following screen will appear:



Step Five:

 The following fields have to be filled out:

Procurement Responsibilities:

1. Once the approved application is received, Procurement will process the request and will arrange to have the card delivered approximately 3-5 business days.  The cardholder is responsible for picking up the card from the Procurement Services office.

How to Activate the Card:

The cardholder must sign the back of the card immediately upon receipt and activate the card by calling the 800 number indicated on the sticker. The recorded prompt will request the last 4 digits of your employee ID #.

This completes the process on how to get a purchasing card (P-Card). 

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