What is considered appropriate documentation for the P-card reconciliation?

This guide will cover:

  • Appropriate documentation required to reconcile P - card



  • The original, supporting documentation should always be retained in the card files maintained within the department.
  • A Receipt should be attached within Workday by the cardholder for the approver's review on the Procurement Card Transaction Verification (PV)

Acceptable Forms

  • Must include at least one of the following
    • Invoice
    • Packing Slip with the item pricing
    • Order/Confirmation Screen
    • Detailed Cash Register Receipt
    • Registration Form
    • If under $75, a detailed description of the charge

Documentation Examples

  • Recurring Monthly Charges
    • Attach the original contract or service agreement within Workday in which the first monthly service fee posts. A memo justifying the need for the service should also be attached.
  • Phone/Fax Orders
    • Attach the enclosed packing slip or invoice when the merchandise is received. The invoice is preferred over the packing slip and should be attached to the verification if the vendor encloses it in the shipment.​​​​​​​
  • Internet Orders
    • ​​​​​​​Print and attach a copy of the order screen and/or confirmation screen. Substantiation should include the detailed items ordered, quantities, as well as pricing.
  • Pick Up Orders
    • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Attach the cash register receipt. The itemized detail must be provided.



The supporting documentation is the official record for the Purchasing Card transactions and must be retained by the department and must be available for review / audit.

Approvers must review all attached receipts and verify appropriateness and completeness before authorizing the transaction.