Direct supervisors are able to enter or correct both time and absences for their team members in Workday. This article will review entering and correcting time for non-exempt employees, including all student employees & union members who work on the University City Campus.
This functionality is especially important for those who manage student employees, as any unmatched time events (when an employee forgets to check in or check out) will need to be corrected prior to submitting the time sheet at the end of the pay period.
Note: Union members who work on the Hawk Hill campus will continue to use the same time clocks. This information is then sent to Workday and automatically logged and approved.
Below, you can view instructions for:
- Accessing your team member's time calendar
- Entering time for an employee
- Correcting time on an employee's calendar
Important Note about Reviewing & Submitting Time:
Managers can click "Review" and "Submit" time for their employees from that team member's calendar. Only do this if you want to submit the full timesheet, as any time submitted by the manager is automatically approved in Workday and sent to the Payroll Office (since it would only go to you for approval anyway!).
Accessing Your Team Member's Time
Workday Tip: You can search for "Enter Time for Worker" in the Search bar to quickly access this task, or add it to your shortcuts or Favorites app if you use this function frequently!
- From your home page, go to the "Time and Absence" app
- In the "Time" tab, click on "Enter Time for Worker"
- In the pop-up window, search for the team member whose time you need to update and click "OK".
- If you search for a partial name, Workday may deliver a few different names for you to choose from in a drop-down menu. If only one worker is identified, it will auto-load this person's name into the field.
- The date can be changed, but Workday will take you to a weekly calendar. As long as the date you choose is in the same week as the time you need to enter or correct, you'll be able to access it just as easily.
![Screenshot of enter time for worker pop-up](https://sju.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=ebc75493-fca5-48e9-bdeb-5c434f7ae287.jpg)
- Now you can see your team member's weekly calendar, including submitted and not submitted hours, unmatched time events, and a summary of the hours currently logged for that pay period. You can also move between weeks using the arrow buttons on the top-left corner of the calendar.
Entering Time
- Once you have accessed your team member's calendar using the steps above, you can click anywhere on the calendar to enter a new time block.
- The "Enter Time" pop-up will appear - fill out all areas with a red asterisk and click "OK"
- "Out Reasons" are either "Meal" (for taking a meal break) or "Out" (for the end of a full shift).
![Screenshot of the enter time pop-up window](https://sju.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=99d869ae-1380-43d8-935a-aa52eec3d58c.jpg)
- Time will appear as "Not Submitted" on the employee's calendar. You can now enter more time or exit the calendar.
Correcting Time
- If your team member has any unmatched check ins/check outs, you will get a yellow alert message about this when you access their calendar. These occur when an employee who clocks in/out via Workday either checked in but never checked out or vice versa.
- You can click on the yellow unmatched event to open the "Correct Unmatched Event" pop-up. It will be pre-populated with the employee's clock in/out, while the unmatched part will be blank. Fill in the appropriate shift times and click "OK".
- To correct a time block that is not unmatched, simply click on the recorded time block to open up the "Enter Time" pop-up and correct any information or "Delete" the time block entirely if necessary
If you have any questions or issues with Workday, please submit a ticket here.