You app menu is the main place to navigate to different parts of Workday. It is always available in the top-left corner. However, you may have some tasks or reports that you use frequently, which is when adding shortcuts or favorites may be most helpful. Shortcuts and favorites in Workday make it easy to find tasks and reports you commonly use instead of searching or going through multiple pages of another app.
For the main app menu, you can adjust both which apps you see as well as what order they are in by click on the "Edit" button inside the app menu and using the minus sign (-) to delete apps or dragging and dropping them into your preferred order.
(Note: Some apps cannot be removed, and removing an app from this menu does not change your access to the functions or information it contains)

If you have any questions or issues, please submit a Workday ticket.
Setting up Shortcuts
- From your app menu, click on the "Shortcuts" tab - you will initially see a blank tab with a blue "Add Shortcuts" button. Click this button to get started:
- On the next screen, you will be able to search for the task or report you want to add. Try searching for "payslip" or "Absence" to see some common things that may be helpful:
- When you find something you want to add, use the plus sign (+) to add it to your shortcuts:
- Once you've finished adding shortcuts, click "Back to Menu" to see your new shortcut menu:
- If you want to reorder or delete any of the shortcuts you've added, you now have two options - "Add Shortcut" and "Edit". Click "Edit" to reorder or delete shortcuts. You can drag and drop them into your preferred order or use the minus sign (-) to delete a shortcut:
- Once you've finished editing your list, click "Save Changes":
Setting up Favorites
- From the main app menu, click on "Favorites":
- This will take you to a blank page until you have some links set up. Click on the gear icon in the top-right corner and click "Manage Favorites":
- You can add any task/report to your favorites app. Start by searching for any task or report you commonly use and want to bookmark to add it to your Favorites App, then click "OK"
- Custom reports need to be built by the Workday Administrator, and business objects are mostly related to people and cost centers at this time, and therefore are not relevant at this time.

- This will take you back to the "Manage Favorites screen. You can add more favorites by clicking "Manage Favorites" or if you're done, click "Done":
- This will take you back to your main Favorites app, which will now show your chosen links for anything you've added for easy access!