How do I Submit an Incomplete Grade?

Submitting an Incomplete Grade

Log into The Nest and then click on the Faculty link in the top right corner.

Under Faculty Resources, select Faculty Dashboard.

Under the Course Tools section, click on Faculty Grade Entry

Click on the class you wish to enter grades on to display the class list.

Select the Final Grade Tab.   If you get a read only error, make sure that you have the correct tab selected.

Note: If your browser window is big enough, when you select the final grade tab, it will bring up the  list of students below the class information. However, if your browser window is small, it displays a “Student Roster” button instead. You have to click “Student Roster" to display the list of students.

Select the Final Grade drop down for the appropriate student and select I.  

A new section will appear. Select the appropriate Incomplete Final Grade, which will be the grade that is automatically entered if the student does not complete their outstanding assignments. Click Save. 

To navigate back to the class list to continue entering grades, click on the Roster tab.

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