SJU Events, Announcements, & Newsletters

University Events

Submit your event to request that it be posted on the Saint Joseph's University Events Calendar. Your event will be reviewed by a calendar editor. Saint Joseph's University reserves the right to edit submissions for grammar, style, accuracy and objectionable content.

All events should be submitted more than two business days in advance of the event to ensure timely approval. Events will be approved with 72 hours of submission. 

It is your responsibility to reserve the room(s) for your event and secure the necessary resources (e.g. technology) with the appropriate campus offices.

If you need to make a change or update to your submission, please email

University Announcements

Your announcement can be submitted to Announcements @ SJU, a platform that allows members of the SJU community to easily share announcements while lightening email traffic. 

A selection of these announcements – along with a lineup of the week’s events – will be shared through This Week @ SJU, a weekly digest sent to all employees and students every Monday at 8:30 a.m. All are encouraged to bookmark Announcements @ SJU and check back often for updates. 

If you have urgent information to share with the University community, please contact  the SJU News team with the details. ​​​​​​​

University Newsletters

The Office of Marketing and Communications writes and edits multiple newsletters for various audiences within the University community: Faculty and staff, students, parents, alumni and friends. The University newsletters are distributed to a large audience on a regular cadence, which boosts readership. 

  • This Week @ SJU - Employee Edition: Distributed most Mondays during the academic year
  • Hawk Headlines - A monthly editorial newsletter sent to employees, parents, students and alumni that highlights media hits, news stories and highlights from our campus community. This newsletter deploys on the first Wednesday of every month. 

Have news you feel is worth sharing with the SJU community? Submit news to the SJU News team.

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