Managing Candidates: (3) Interviewing, Reviewing Feedback, & Making an Offer

Interview Notes 

  • Once interviews have been scheduled, the manager and primary recruiter will receive a task to upload interview notes. Your notes should contain the questions asked of candidates and a summary of their responses.
  • Please remember that any comments provided are discoverable in a legal process and should be checked for accuracy, spelling, grammar, and appropriateness.
  • Upload the file and click "Submit" to move to interview feedback - no team members who were part of the interview will be able to provide feedback until these notes are uploaded.
  • Please upload your interview notes after all interviews have completed for this candidate. You can either upload multiple documents or scan them together as one packet.

Only the hiring manager or Primary Recruiter can upload interview notes; so if the interview is occurring without one of those people present (such as a final interview with a division head), the interviewer must forward their notes to either the hiring manager or Primary Recruiter to upload during this step. After that is completed, the interviewer will be able to provide their rating and feedback as outlined below.

"Rate Interview" - Providing Interview Feedback

The entire interview team will receive the "Rate Interview" task and will be able to rate each candidate on the below scale and provide a brief comment (comments are not required, and much like interview/screening notes, please remember that any comments provided are discoverable in a legal process and should be checked for accuracy, spelling, grammar, and appropriateness.)

Interview Rating Scale:

  • 3 - Highly Recommend
  • 2 - Recommend
  • 1 - Do not recommend

Managers & Primary Recruiters: Do NOT submit the "Manage Interview Feedback" task until all interviews for that candidate have been completed and feedback has been submitted. Once that task is submitted all interviewers will lose access to the ability to submit this feedback in Workday.

Declining Candidates - Timing

All candidates must have action taken on them throughout the process but know that Workday reacts in real-time. Candidates that are not selected at any point must receive communication from SJU that they are not being considered. The best practice is to wait at least 24 hours before moving someone into Decline from our last interaction with them. For example, someone applies on April 1 and their application is reviewed that same day. If it is determined that they are not a fit, wait until April 2 to move them into Decline.

Because of the ease in moving candidates, please decline candidates throughout the process rather than waiting until an offer is extended. HR is happy to help navigate this process with you if you would like further guidance.

Declining Candidates - Reasons

When a hiring manager or recruiter selects Decline, you will be required to select one reason from a drop down menu. Select the best reason as to why a candidate is not a match and add a supporting comment.

For example, if someone does not have the required years of experience, select “Does not meet basic requirements/qualifications” from the drop down menu, type “does not meet the required years of experience” in the comment box and click the blue OK button. Workday will then automatically send an email to the candidate that they are not moving forward in the hiring process. The candidate’s home page will update with a “Complete” status.

When you decline a candidate, the candidate will immediately receive an auto-generated message telling them that they will not be further considered for that position only. There will be no specific reasons in the email or visible to the candidate.

The Office of Human Resources does not recommend sharing specific reasons candidates were not selected. If a candidate reaches out or insists on getting information, please reach out to HR. 


Reviewing Interview Feedback

  1. Each interviewer receives a "Rate Interview" task in their inbox. Upon completion of that candidate's interview, go to the task and click "Submit" to get started, then provide a rating for that candidate. You are also able to provide a comment (but this is not required).
    • Make sure to double-check that you are submitting feedback for the correct candidate, as there will be one task for each candidate with a scheduled interview.
    • Reminder: interview comments are not required and they are discoverable as part of any legal process. Please make sure to review any comments you want to provide for accuracy, spelling, and grammar. If you have any questions about what comments you would like to provide, please reach out to our team at
    • Screenshot of Give Interview Feedback inbox task
    • Screenshot of overall interview feedback task
  2. Hiring managers and Primary Recruiters can monitor which interviewers have provided feedback both on the "Manage Interview Feedback" inbox task as well as on the candidate's profile directly.
    • On the inbox task, scroll down to the "Interview Feedback" section. At the top of this section, you'll see the overall average rating and the number of interview ratings submitted. Below that, you'll see each interviewer listed separately, if their ratings are submitted or pending, and what rating was given to that candidate if it was submitted:
    • Screenshot of interview feedback section of the Manage Interview Feedback inbox task
    • On the candidate profile, you are also able to view this information on the "Interview" tab on the gray sidebar:
    • Screenshot of candidate profile with interview tab selected
  3. When all interview ratings have been received, the manager or Primary Recruiter can submit the "Manage Interview Feedback" task. 
    • Note: When declining a candidate you deemed not a good fit based on the interview, do not take action on the day of their interview as they will receive a notification on that same day. 
    • Screenshot of Manage Interview Feedback inbox task
  4. The Hiring Manager will have a task called “Make Interview Decision” the options will be Offer or Additional Interview.
    • Note: only choose Additional Interview if you plan to have another interview with the candidate. If you do not want to move the candidate forward you will hit Decline and chose a disposition reason.
    • Screenshot of additional interview or offer stage


Making an Offer

  1. After moving the candidate forward to Offer Stage, the Hiring Manager will receive a task in their inbox to “Initiate Offer for [Candidate]”
  2. The Initiate Offer page contains four pages: Start, Compensation, One-Time Payment, and Summary.
  3. On the "Start" page, be ready to put in the following information:
    • Hire date (a Monday of orientation at least three weeks out - see orientation schedule here). Faculty should start at the beginning of their contract period (or on a Monday as listed if starting mid-year), and adjunct faculty should start on the first day of the semester in which they are teaching.
    • Hire reason - new hire or re-hire
    • Information to review/confirm:
      • Location
      • Document language
      • Job details
      • Business title
      • Working time (or scheduled weekly hours)
    • Once this information is completed, click "Next"
  4. The compensation page will be pre-populated based on the job requisition. The value populated in this field is the maximum value budgeted to be offered. Do not edit this section unless you are proposing to go below or above the maximum compensation amount.  HR will review and update as necessary based on the candidates experience and related alignment to the job's qualifications. 
  5. One Time-Payments: this section is for things like relocation expenses. If you believe you will need to enter a one-time payment, please reach out to the HR team for guidance and confirmation prior to entering this information.
  6. Summary - this page is simply to review all of the information for the offer. If correct, click "Submit."
    • If you are submitting an offer for an adjunct, please indicate the semester the person will begin by adding this to the Comment box before you hit Submit. Due to the 45 day Workday lockout for new hires, HR will hold the Offer in their Workday inbox until an appropriate time to notify candidates of their offer. This will also better align with the candidate's ability to access Workday, The Nest, and other SJU programs.
  7. The proposed offer will have to go through all approval stages (HR review, Compensation, Budget, & Division Head). Once approved, HR will notify the hiring manager to extend a verbal offer. Hiring managers will need to make contact with the candidates outside of Workday for this purpose. Hiring managers should stay in contact with HR about the response from the candidate, regardless of the candidate’s decision. It is also recommended that hiring managers use the activity stream to track your attempts to reach the candidate. HR will not provide a written offer until hearing from the hiring manager that a verbal offer has been extended. 

Find more information on the "Related Articles" list. If you have any questions, please log a ticket here or reach out to