Search Committee Members: Reviewing Candidates


Search committee members are people who are going to assist with reviewing and screening candidates. This role should not be used for all people who are going to be interviewing a candidate (those should be added at the interviewing stage).

For those who are participating as search committee members, you will not have any inbox tasks or notifications that candidates have applied, and you will not be able to move candidates through the process, just the capability to review the candidates that have applied.

You may decide or be asked to give your department external feedback on the resumes you have reviewed and suggest who should be considered for a phone screen or interview. However, the hiring manager or primary recruiter will be the one to move the candidate through the steps of the recruitment process inside of Workday. 

The search advisory committee has an obligation to keep the identities of all those applying for the position completely confidential, during and after the search concludes. Discussing an applicant with anyone (outside the committee and HR team) who is not listed by the applicant as a reference without the applicant’s prior written permission is not permitted and presents unnecessary risk. This obligation includes any personally identifiable information that might reveal the identity of the applicants, the substance of the committee discussions, and all details pertaining to the selection of the recommended candidate(s).

Finding Candidates & Reviewing Materials

  1. If you are already a hiring manager or Primary Recruiter, you can go to your Recruiting Dashboard to find the position for which you're a search committee member and follow the steps to review candidates as if it were a job under your purview.
  2. If you are NOT a hiring manager or primary recruiter for other positions, you will need to add an app to your app menu. Click on the app menu (three lines in the top-left corner of Workday), and click "Add Apps" at the bottom:
    • Screenshot of app menu in Workday
  3. Then search for "My Jobs" and choose the "My Recruiting Jobs - Indexed" app. This is the ONLY app you will have full access to on this list, so if you add another one and get an error, make sure to come back and add the "Indexed" version:
    • Screenshot of My Recruiting Jobs - Indexed
  4. Once added, go back to your app menu and click on this app to view a list of jobs for which you've been added as a search committee member. You'll see a link to the position as well as the number of candidates in the Review stage and the overall number of active candidates:
    • Screenshot of My Recruiting Jobs report
  5. Click on the job title to see the full position:
    1. asdf
  6. Click on the blue "Review Candidates" button or go to the "Candidates" tab on the main page:
    • Screenshot of review candidates
  7. Once the candidate tab is selected you will see all candidates who have applied to the position. You are able to view their names, stage in the interview process, contact details, resume (if attached), etc. You do not have the ability to move forward or decline candidates. You only have the ability to view their details. 
  8. To view their information and resume, click on the candidate's name to see their full profile page:
    • Their full information and details can be found directly on the "Summary" tab. At the bottom of this tab will be any attachments, such as resumes, cover letters, or other documents requested in the job posting. 
    • Screenshot of a candidate profile


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