How to Submit the Capital Request Form

How to Submit An Online Capital Request

  1. Navigate to the Capital Budgeting portal under Useful Links & Tools on the Employee tab of the Nest. Navigate to the Capital Budgeting portal on the Employee tab of the Nest under Useful Links & Tools  and click the “Capital Request Form” link.  Confirm you are logged in. If you see your name on the top right of the screen, you are ready to proceed.  If not, you will see “Sign In”.  Once logged in, this should appear on your screen.

2. After reviewing the landing page, click “Create Request”.

The “Share” button allows you to share the link for the Capital Funding Request with another individual.

3. Complete all required fields on the request form. If you wish to complete the form at a later date, click “Save” and the draft will be saved for your return.

            To retrieve a saved request, click “Project Requests”.

              If you have completed all required fields and are ready to continue, select “Mark Complete”.

  1. Business Case Window → General Section

    You will now see a “Business Case” window on the left. This section alerts you to the progress of your submission. If you must make changes to a section you previously complete, at any time select “Mark Incomplete” and make any necessary changes. Once the “General” section is complete, select “Files” in the Business Case window. Green check marks indicate that a section has been marked complete. Red circles indicate that the section has not been marked complete.

  2. Business Case Window → Files Section

Upload any files that are pertinent to your request, (e.g., spreadsheets, quotes, etc.). Once uploaded, select “Mark Complete”. You are not required to add any files, but you must acknowledge your review by marking the Files section complete. You may now proceed to the “Resources” section in the Business Case window.

     6. Business Case Window → Resources Section

You may add Resources to your request. Resources are individuals who are able to collaborate and build on requests prior to submission. When adding a Resource, an email notification can be sent alerting them that they have been added. The University does not require that Resources be added. However, an Executive Leader or some Divisional Budget Mangers may require the addition of Resources to your request. Please consult with your Divisional Budget Manager to understand any applicable policies related to your specific department.

     7. If at any time, you are confused as to the status of your submission, look in the top right corner. If you nave not fully submitted your request, you will see “Not Submitted”.      Conversely, after you have completed submission, you will see “Submitted”. Now, after your final review, you may select “Submit” to send your request for review.

   8. You will be prompted to confirm the submission of your request. Select “OK” if you are ready to process.

  9. When you have completed submission of your request, you will be provided with a “Request Submitted Successfully” screen. At this point, your request has been fully submitted for review.

   10.  At this point, your request is submitted and will be evaluated in accordance with the Planning and Budgeting for Capital Expenditures Policy. If you have any changes that should be noted, please contact Lauren Goldsmith in the Budget & Financial Planning Office ( x1393). You can monitor the status of your request at any time by visiting the Team Dynamix portal ( . Once inside the portal select “Project Requests.” If the request has been approved by Executive Leadership, the status will then be visible in the “Projects” section.

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