Tuition, Fees, Room and Board for 2017-2018

Tuition and Fees for 2017-2018
*Effective Summer 2017
Undergraduate Day College of Arts & Sciences (Per Academic Year) $43,700
Undergraduate Day Haub School of Business (Per Academic Year) $43,700
Additional Cost per credit beyond 17 credits $1,456
Graduate, PLS, HDC, & Executive (Per Credit Hour)  
Professional & Liberal Studies $584
Haub Degree Completion $584
Graduate Business $1023
On-Line Business $1023
Graduate Arts & Sciences $870
Graduate Health $870
Graduate Criminal Justice/Public Safety $870
Graduate Computer Science $953
Graduate Education $765
Graduate Psychology $953
Graduate Theology $870
Graduate Catholic Ed Leadership $765
Graduate Organizational Development and Leadership $870
On-Line Graduate Education $765
On-Line Graduate Criminal Justice/Public Safety $870
On-Line Health Administration $870
On-Line Training & Development $870
Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program $1,021
Executive Program  
MBA (20 month program) per credit $1,640
MBA (One year program) per credit $2,310
Food Marketing (Per Credit) $1,349
On-Line Food Marketing (Per Credit) $1,349
Pharmaceutical Marketing (Per Credit) $1,563
On-Line Pharmaceutical Marketing (Per Credit) $1,563
AHOLD Giants Program $1,214
CSL Bering $1,450
PCOM $1,450


All Students General Fees
Application Fee (Day Students) $50
Application Fee (PLS & HDC)  
Application Fee (Graduate) $35
Student Identification Card $20
Late Payment Fee (Per Semester) $100
Installment Payment Fee (Per Semester) $35
Returned Check/Payment Fee $40
Transcript Fee-Standard Service $10
Transcript Fee-Same Day Service $20
Transcript Fee-Delivery-Overnight (Domestic) $25
Transcript Fee-Delivery-International $40


Undergraduate Level (Per course)
Art Fee (Film/Gallery/Studio) $230
Education Field Experience $100
Electron Microscopy Fee $250
Language Lab Fee (beginning) $125
Language Fee (Advanced designated courses) $30
Excel Competency Course Fee $125
Mathematics and Computer Science Fee (Designated Courses) $50
Music/Theater/Film Fee $150
Science Lab Fee (Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Environmental Science) $250
Communications Lab Fee $115
Theology 154 Urban Lab Fee $405
Technology Support Fee (HSB and Psychology Majors) Per Academic year $100
Passport Fee $500
Student Orientation Fee (Freshmen Only) - Per Academic year $250
Student Orientation Fee  (Transfers) - Per Academic year $100
Student Activity Fee - Per Academic year $180
HDC and Professional & Liberal Studies (Per course)
Challenge Exam Fees $150
College Level Examination Program $80
Computer Science Fee $50
Experiential Learning Assessment Program Fee (Total) $250
Mathematics Fee (Designated Courses) $50
PA Teaching Certificate $15
Science Lab Fee (Chem, Bio, Physics, Env Science) $250
Autism Practicum Supervision Fee $756
Education Fee for BS Education students in specific programs  $100
The Education Fee is a per semester/term charge of $100 to all PLS Education majors. This fee supports several student services within the Education Unit. The components covered under the fee support the following services for students.
· PLS Education advising services.
· Administrative services related to the placement of students in field experiences, field work, practicums, and student teaching including the assignment of cooperating and supervising teachers. (Cost per student: $600)
· Classroom resources, instructional technology, and equipment.
· School partnership, accreditation and certification review, service, and student processing fees.
· Data collection, aggregation, and analysis of student performance in coursework and field experiences.
Graduate Programs (Per Course)
Advance Science $50
Biology Lab Fee $250
Computer Science Fee $50
Graduate Psychology Lab Fee (Per Semester) $175
Mathematics Fee (Designated Courses) $50
Education Fee Administrative  $100
ODL Residency Fee $360
Wilson Reading Program $300
The Education Fee is a per semester/term charge of $100 to all graduate Education majors. This fee supports several student services within the Education Unit. The components covered under the fee support the following services for students.
· Graduate Education advising services.
· Administrative services related to the placement of students in field experiences, field work, practicums, and student teaching including the assignment of cooperating and supervising teachers. (Cost per student: $600)
· Classroom resources, instructional technology, and equipment.
· School partnership, accreditation and certification review, service, and student processing fees.
· Data collection, aggregation, and analysis of student performance in coursework and field experiences.
Major Fees (Per Academic Year)
Technology Support Fee (HSB & Psychology Majors) $100


Student Health  
Mandatory Health Insurance (for uninsured students only)-Per year $1,735
Health Service Fees for Grad/ELS students  
Minor Office Visits $25.00
Moderate Office Visits $35.00
Severe Office Visit Fee $50.00
Physical Exam Fee $20-75
Injection/Immunization Fee $10-100


Room and Board Per Academic Year
LaFarge, McShain, , Sourin, Overbrook and All Campus Houses $9,102
Ashwood, Lancaster Court Apts $9,272
Villiger Hall $9,424
Morris Quad, Overbrook Townhouses, Pennbrooke Apts, & Merion Gardens $10,240
Lannon, Rashford (54th Street Residences) $11,686
Communication Fee (Ethernet, Cable, Phone) $120
Resident Activity Fee (Hall Programs) $70


Meal Plan Rate (Per Academic year)  $5,416

Note:  Designated single rooms anywhere on campus are an additional $500 per semester ($1000 per year).

Fall 2017 Academic Withdrawal/Tuition Refund Schedule

Tuition Insurance
Tuition, Fees, Room, and Board are subject to change by the order of the Saint Joseph's University Board of Trustees

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