*If you do not have a technical or feature requirement for using Outlook, OIT will not approve the installation of Outlook. Please use your web browser ( to get the most out of your Google Workspace experience.
*Outlook is NOT supported on macOS. Mac users should use Gmail in a web browser (
Notes on Usage
- The Office of Information Technology only supports the use of Outlook via the Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook (GWSMO) application.
- No assistance will be provided for configuring Outlook for use with a personal (non-SJU) email address.
- Some items in Outlook can not be synced to your Google account: (These will be lost/irretrievable when moving to a new computer, or if Outlook needs to be reconfigured.)
- Recipient auto-complete suggestions (i.e. your "To:" history)
- Outlook archive files (.pst files) are not synced to your Google account, but they will be backed up if your computer is configured with Code42.
- It is unnecessary to create new email archives, because your Google account has unlimited storage and will not delete old emails.
- Your Inbox folder structure may not sync correctly with Gmail.
- To avoid this, avoid creating sub-folders within your "Inbox" folder. Place them below your Inbox folder instead.
- Outlook syncs a limited number of emails from your Gmail account. You can increase this limit by following the section below titled "Increasing Your Mailbox Size."
- Your most recent emails will be prioritized. If you mailbox size reaches its limit, your oldest emails will be deleted from your computer (but will still be available online).
- NOTE: Larger inbox sizes are likely to cause performance issues on your PC.
Installing Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook (GWSMO)
- Close Outlook if it is open.
- Download and install GWSMO:
- Enter your SJU email address and click "Continue"

- You will be redirected to a web browser. Sign in with your SJU email address and password.

- You will be prompted to select your Google Workspace account. Click on your name, which includes your email address.
- On the next page, scroll down and choose "Allow"

- Switch back to the GWSMO window. Click on “Create profile.”

This creates a new set of user data for Outlook. If you previously had any personal email addresses already working in Outlook, you will need to re-add them to this profile after Outlook launches.
- Click on "Start Microsoft Outlook"

- Outlook launches, and you will be prompted to choose your email profile. Your SJU Google account will automatically be selected, so choose "OK".

- GWSMO will begin to sync your data from your SJU Google account to Outlook. This process can take a long time, but your most recent emails will appear first, and syncing will automatically resume if Outlook is closed and reopened.

This window will open every time you launch Outlook, unless you deselect the checkbox the says "Open this window when Microsoft Outlook starts."
- If you need to add an Outlook archive (.pst) file, go to File >> Open & Export >> Open Outlook Data File. Archive files are typically saved in Documents\Outlook Files.

Increasing Your Mailbox Size
You may choose to increase the number of emails that Outlook saves on your computer. This number is based on the storage usage of your most recent emails (and their attachments).
If Outlook hits your chosen mailbox size limit, older emails will be deleted from your computer, but they will remain available in your Google account.
- Look for the "Google Workspace Sync" icon in your system tray.

- Click on it, then choose "Set mailbox size limit..."

- By default, your Outlook mailbox size is set to 1GB. On modern computers with no performance problems. You may select a larger size if you need more emails saved to your computer.

- NOTE: Choosing "Unlimited" will still limit your mailbox size to the maximum size of an Outlook data file (50GB).
- NOTE: You are likely to experience computer performance issues if your mailbox size reaches roughly 15GB or higher (estimated for modern laptops with no existing performance issues).
Checking Your Current Mailbox Size
- In Outlook, click on File >> Info >> Tools >> Mailbox Cleanup... Then choose "View Mailbox Size..."

- Your current mailbox size will be displayed in Kilobytes (KB) (1 GB = roughly 1,000,000 KB)