Graduate Student Employment Types

Graduate Student Employee Types

With the changes introduced by the Office of Graduate Administration & Policy in summer 2023 (effective AY 2024-25), please see below for the types of graduate student employees. If you are not certain which type of employee you should hire for, please reach out to the Office of Graduate Administration & Policy, overseen by Dr. Jean Francois Jasmin, Associate Provost for Research and Graduate Administration & Policy.

The Office of Human Resources will be launching a new process in Workday to hire Graduate Assistants & Graduate Student Workers in summer 2024, in preparation for the new academic year. Please look for trainings, communication, and resources to assist you with those processes in July 2024. If you need to hire a graduate student in one of these types prior to that time, please reach out to us directly at

Graduate Student Employee Types
Title General Description Hiring done by Funding Pay Type Scholarship/ Tuition Eligible
Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) 17 hours per week of service to the University, typically as an instructor, proctor, or similar ancillary duties as needed. GSIs are PhD students located in Biology, Chemistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Administration Graduate Administration Stipend Yes
Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) Performing research with the faculty member (PI).  Stipend must be grant funded. Graduate Administration Graduate Administration / Grant-funded Stipend Yes
Master's Teaching Assistant (MTA) 15 hours per week or teaching-related activities for the academic unit. Graduate Administration Graduate Administration Hourly Yes
Graduate Assistant Work is dictated by the academic unit (or the gift). Typically geared towards hands-on activities in the student's field of study. Department designee External sources Hourly  Yes
Graduate Student Worker Hourly workers hired to perform administrative work for any unit. Department designee Department budget Hourly No

Hiring Time line Recommendations - Graduate Assistants Only

In order to process your Graduate Assistant's letter in a timely manner and give the Office of Financial Aid the information they need about upcoming Graduate Assistants, please submit the information for each individual GA in Workday by the following dates:

  • Fall and Spring- GA should be hired by the first day of the semester.
  • Summer - GA should be hired by May 15th
    • Must be submitted separately each spring (even if a GA is continuing on in the same position)

Spring Termination of Graduate Assistant/Student Worker Positions

Each May, the Office of Human Resources will end all Graduate Assistant and Graduate Student Worker positions as of the end of the spring semester (last day of final exams). Summer positions and candidates should be submitted separately by May 15th and will receive a new letter for the summer term.

Communications will be sent to all supervisors and employees each spring to remind them of when these positions will end. Supervisors and graduate students must submit and finalize all time worked prior to the end date communicated each spring.


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