Printer hostname: mfp-english1
Brand and model series: XEROX® WorkCentre® 7845
Description: Instructions to install the English department copier on macOS devices and configure printing presets to use the department's black & white and color account codes. (Please see your department admin assistant or chair if you do not have them.)
Related Problem: Upgrading to macOS 13.x.x "Ventura" breaks the accounting function when printing to the English department MFP.
Step 1: Install the latest Xerox print driver (version 5.11)
The correct driver can be downloaded from the printer's Xerox Support webpage:
NOTE: You will need to select "macOS 13 Ventura" as your Platform, then click Apply Filters. Be sure that the file version is at least 5.11.

Step 2: Install the printer (if not already installed)
Follow these instructions to install the printer:
Installing a Network Printer on a Mac
The address for the printer will be its hostname: mfp-english1
Step 3: Configure the account code preset for black & white printing
- Open Microsoft Word and create a simple test document with some color content.
- Open the Print window (File >> Print) and make sure the correct printer is selected.
- Scroll down and select Printer Options >> Xerox Features.

- With "Paper/Output" selected from the drop-down menu, set Xerox Black and White to "On".

- With "Advanced" selected from the drop-down menu, click on the "Accounting" button.

- Type in the black & white account code in the "Default User ID" field.

- Click OK, then click OK again. A window will appear with the account code pre-filled. Click OK. This will send the print job to the printer and return you to the main Print window. If the print job is successful, the document will print in black & white, otherwise you will receive an error at the printer.

- In the main Print window, open the Presets drop-down menu and select "Save Current Settings as Preset"

- Enter the preset name "English Dept B&W", then click OK.

- At this point you may cancel the Print job or click "OK" to test it again.
Step 4: Configure the account code preset for color printing (limited access)
Repeat the process from Step 3 (B&W printing), making the following changes:
- "Xerox Black & White" should be set to "Off" (color printing).
- "Default User ID" should be set to the color printing code.
- Name the preset "English Dept Color".