The course menu (shown below) is the list of areas within a Canvas course that runs down the left-hand side of the course, just next to the Canvas Global Navigation (the grey toolbar that runs down the far left-hand side of the page). You may have noticed that there are many areas of the course that appear on the menu by default. To simplify the course navigation experience for both instructors and students, use this guide to hide unused areas on the course menu. Click on the image below to access a video walk through.

- In the course that you would like to edit the menu of, go to "Settings" - the last option on the course menu.

- Choose the "Navigation" tab at the top of the Settings page.

- Drag and drop areas in an order that is useful for your course.
- Drag areas that will not be used into the bottom section of the page, titled "Drag items here to hide them from students."

Here is an example of a simplified course menu that will be effective in most circumstances.