RampHealth Nutrition Registered Dietitian Benefits Webinar Recording

Have you been looking to make healthy changes for you or your family’s health and nutrition this Fall. Or, do you want to get started on a healthy eating and exercise plan?

A Registered Dietitian can help! Anthony Tassoni, RD, CSOWM, LDN from RampHealth presented on the access SJU employees have to this wonderful benefit meet with Registered Dietitian at no cost with SJU health insurance.

Please follow the link to view his webinar presentation. https://sju.zoom.us/rec/share/vzwj8ojRh0c2_hyXtGPJqBPeYx7l_4h6j71K8OSLpONdjIyjq7MmpSxABNPLHtGI.C6EEbfQ2s7xYENsA