Creating a Job Requisition


For staff & faculty positions, many fields will auto-populate with baseline information based on the Job Profile selected. This information should be modified according to the specific needs and responsibilities of the position. 

Things to watch for:

  • Make sure you un-freeze a position prior to posting a job requisition - you won't be able to fill an open position until it is unfrozen! (See Related Articles for instructions)
  • Make sure you are creating the position in the correct supervisory organization. People with multiple supervisory organizations (such as those who also supervise students or who are covering for a position on an interim basis) will need to be sure to select the correct organization, or else the job requisition will need to be fully cancelled and resubmitted.
  • You can see where your in-progress requisitions are on the Recruiting Dashboard or by searching for "View In-Progress Job Requisitions" 
  • Questions about who can post a position or manage a search? See the article about Recruiting Roles.
  • Positions are linked to budget lines, so unless the position you are hiring for is truly brand new, you should NOT "Create a New Position" on the job requisition. If you have questions about whether your position is truly new or should be filled from a current Workday position, please reach out to

Information You Will Need:

  • Basic job/position and recruiting information, such as:
    • Job description
    • Expected compensation (for a replacement position, use the exiting employee's compensation. Please note that all positions will undergo a full compensation review through the approval process)
    • If you will be designating a Primary Recruiter or Search Committee to assist with the search (see Related Article: Overview: Workday Recruiting Roles for definitions of these roles)
  • Justification
    • Justifications should be a succinct reason about why this requisition is necessary or being requested. This could include: replacement for a resignation; new department/division priorities; re-organization. The more specific the reasons, the more helpful this will be for the other approving parties.
    • If you have any other important/specific notes about this position, you can add them to this field as well.
    • This field is NOT visible to candidates
  • Budget information/Funding Source, including:
    • ID number of vacant and budgeted position(s) that will be used for funding
    • How much will be used from the provided position(s) budget(s)
    • If a direct budget line will be used for funding in place of a position budget, you will need the fund, cost center, ledger account, spend category, and activity/gift/grant code (if applicable) for each budget line to be used and how much will be used for each budget line.
    • Any job requisitions without proper budget information will be sent back to the hiring manager/Primary Recruiter for clarification before it can go through the approval process.

Find more information about all of these items on the "Related Articles" list. If you have any questions, please log a ticket here or reach out to

Create Job Requisition

  1. To create a job requisition, either use the Workday search bar or go to your "Recruiting Dashboard" and under "Actions", click "Create Job Requisition".
    • Workday note: if you know the title (or partial title) of the task or report you're looking for, you can use the search bar. Just type in "Create job" to the search, and the appropriate task will pop up as an option!
    • The Recruiting Dashboard will be in your app menu:
    • On the right side of the dashboard, you'll see the link to Create a Job Requisition:
      • Screenshot of Actions and Reports menu
  2. The supervisory organization may pre-populate - make sure to check this is the correct supervisory organization. If you don't see any supervisory organization, simply search the hiring manager's name and choose the appropriate organization. (You are able to double-check the supervisory organization on the "SJU Open and Frozen Positions" report.)
  3. Select "For Existing Position" and search for the open position (or click on "Create New Position" if needed - make sure to review the "Information You Will Need' section above and be sure this is truly a new position in Workday!). Leave the "Worker Type" as "Employee". When you have all the information filled out, click "OK":
    • Screenshot of create job requisition task
  4. Page 1: Recruiting Information
    • For this and each following page, click "Next" when you have finished entering the information. You can also jump from page to page by clicking on the page title on the left sidebar of the "Create Job Requisition" window
    • For "Reason", select "Recruiting" and then identify if this position should be posted internally only, or "Posted for competitive fill" (both internally and externally)
    • Replacement For: if this is a replacement, type in and search for the previous employee's name
    • Recruiting Instruction: identify where (internal/external) you would like the position to be posted. If nothing is entered, the requisition will default to both internal & external posting
    • Recruiting start date: auto-filled, do not change
    • Target Hire Date: please select today's date
    • Target End Date: not required (all posted positions must remain open for at least 5 calendar days)
    • Screenshot of Recruiting Information page of the Job Requisition
  5. Page 2: Job
    • You must fill out the following fields:
      • Justification: see above for details on what must be included here
      • Job Description Summary*
      • Job Description*
        • See "Related Articles" for more information on how to format and write your job description summary & job description based on the previous fields in PeopleAdmin
        • The "Job Description" can be easily formatted using the buttons on this page, or by clicking on the arrows in the top-right of that box (see screenshot below)
      • Funding Source: See above under "budget information"
    • Fields that will auto-populate (if they do not, or if you are creating a new position, please fill out these fields):
      • Job Posting Title
      • Job Profile
      • Job Families for Job Profile
      • Time Type
      • Primary Location
      • Primary Job Posting Location (auto-populates based on Primary Location)
      • Scheduled Weekly Hours (this may need to be updated for Union positions that work 40 hours/week)
      • Compensation Details
    • You should not fill out any other fields on this page (such as "Link to Evergreen requisition" or "Questionnaires")
    • Screenshot of job page with formatting options circled under "Job Description"
  6. Page 3: Organizations
    • For replacement positions, these fields should auto-populate.
    • For new positions, be prepared to enter this information. (For "Company", enter "Saint Joseph's University")
  7. Page 4: Attachments
    • For most positions, no attachments are needed - we are no longer requiring an attached position description.
    • If your position is grant-funded or there are other documents you may need to attach, please do so on this page
  8. Page 5: Compensation
    • Add or adjust the "Salary" or "Hourly" section as appropriate for the position
      • This will auto-update the "Total Base Pay" field, so you do not need to update that field.
      • Do not update the "Guidelines" section
      • Please note the compensation is likely to change based on the market benchmarking and internal equity review done through the Sr. Director of Compensation, the value inputted is always the maximum recommended pay rate.
    • Screenshot of compensation page in a job requisition
  9. Page 6: Assign Roles
    • To learn more about the roles available to assign, see the Related Articles section on the right of this screen
    • To add a Primary Recruiter or Search Committee member:
      • Click "Add"
      • Choose the role
      • In "Assigned To", search for the person by typing their name into the bar and hitting "Enter"
      • When finished assigning roles, click "Next"
      • Note: If you would like to add multiple people to the same role, do not list them separately. They must be listed all within the same role - only one type of role assignment can be made, but multiple people can still be assigned to that role. 
    • Screenshot of Assign Roles page
  10. Page 6: Summary
    • This page allows you to review the full job requisition before you move it forward for approval
    • If the information is correct, click "Submit"


Review & Approval Process

Once you have submitted your job requisition, it goes through the following approval process:

  • Initial HR review for appropriate job description, formatting, and complete information (especially Justification and Funding Source)
  • Compensation review
  • Budget review
  • Division head review
  • "Post Job" - this step is the final HR review and executive approval step

Pooled positions (such as for adjunct faculty) do not require the full approval process and will be posted promptly after the initial review by human resources.


Where is my job in the approval process?

You can review where your position is in this approval process by going to your Recruiting Dashboard and under "Reports", click on "View Your In-Progress Job Requisition Events".

  • Your Recruiting Dashboard will only show fully open/available requisitions
  • This report will only show requisitions that have not been fully approved yet