The Portal is available in the Nest’s Home page by clicking on the Reserve a Room quick link at the top of the page or click on the link entitled “Reserve a Room for Events/Meeting” in the Useful Link channel. Also, you can directly access tRoom requests for all university space will be accepted including general classrooms, computer labs, specialty classrooms and special event space. Special event space includes rooms in Campion, the Haub Executive Center in McShain, the Foley Center, and outdoor spaces.
The launch of EnCampus Enterprise is another step by the university to improve the room reservation process and provide a more streamlined, integrated request model. With EnCampus, the university will be able to consolidate all scheduling activities in a single repository and campus schedulers will be able to efficiently manage resources and events. Using the portal, faculty, staff and students can conveniently request a room reservation for a scheduled event themselves instead of having to place calls to check on room availability. Requesters can assess location features, pictures, and layout options of rooms prior to selecting a location.
All non-academic space that was on a Google calendar has already been migrated into Infosilem. Going forward, all events scheduled for the spaces listed above will need to be requested through the portal. The HSB and CAS Dean’s offices have provided guidelines for specialty classrooms that will not appear on the portal but still booked through the Registrar’s Office and they will enforce the rules for booking those academic spaces.
Links to the documentation will be available in the portal.