Register for Classes
Click here to watch a video explaining registration, or follow the step by step instructions below. Before registering for classes, make sure you plan your schedule, meet with your advisor for your registration pin, and confirm your registration time. Click here to follow this helpful registration checklist.
1. Log into the Nest and select Students on the top right of the page
2. Under the Registration Resources section, click on Self-Service Course Registration

3. Click on Register for Classes

4. Select a Term using the drop-down box and, if required, enter your Alternate Pin. Your Alternate Pin can be given to you by your advisor.

5. Enter the CRNs for each course and click on Add to Summary.

6. To submit your registered classes, review the course information for the CRNs you entered and click on Submit to finalize class registration.

7. Registered Status - if you are successful, you will see a highlighted “Registered” message

8. To drop a course, under the Action column, click the dropdown next to the course you want to drop and select Drop Course. Click Submit.
Registration Information Page
After successful registration, you can now access your multi-view Registration Information Page. Using the view controls, at the center of the screen, you can access your Student Schedule by day and time or your Schedule Details.

Student Schedule by Day and Time

Schedule Details
- The Schedule Details Page gives you all the information you need to know for each specific class: CRN Number, Class Section, Class day and time, Class Location, and Instruction

Add-Drop Period
You may drop a course during Add/Drop week (i.e., the first week of the semester). Please see the Academic Calendar for add/drop course deadlines. When you “drop” a course it is removed from your transcript. Use your registration PIN and follow the steps above to make changes.
Please note: If you are a first-year student, you must meet with your advisor to add and/or drop a course. You will need to obtain a PIN. All others can use their registration PIN to make the changes through the Nest.