Please note this is for staff and faculty ONLY.
Overview - Preferred/Chosen Names
Saint Joseph's University understands that not all employees use their legal name in the workplace, and we respect your right to use a name that aligns with your gender identity and personal preferences. As outlined in our Chosen Name & Identity Guidelines, you have the option to use a chosen name on all internal and external communications, including email, directory listings, and employee identification badges.
Changing your "Preferred Name" in Workday will change the name everyone can view in all SJU systems, not just Workday. This includes Bridge, Banner, and everything that stems from those systems. Students must still change this information via The Nest (see the Related Articles section for further information.)
Your legal name will still appear in places where required, such as Billing, Tax Documents, Official Transcripts, National Student Clearinghouse, Payroll, etc.
Changing your preferred/chosen name in Workday does not automatically update your email or preferred email address. To do this, please visit your "Manage Computer Profile" page in Banner here.
Updating Your Chosen/Preferred Name in Workday
- From your home page in Workday, click on the "Personal Information" app in the app menu
- In the left box titled "Change", click on the "Preferred Name" option
- Legal names are defaulted as preferred names, so un-check the "Use Legal Name as Preferred Name" option at the top of the window
- Now you will be able to update all fields in this window. When you have finished editing, click "Submit".
- Note that "Prefix" is not a required field, and you can delete your prefix entirely if you would like to. Clicking on the prefix or anywhere inside that box will give you a drop-down list of all available prefixes.

Updating Your Legal Name in Workday
If your legal name has changed, you can also update this easily in Workday. Please note that you will need to provide proof of your legal name change, such as an updated social security card to the Office of Human Resources in person (only current, unexpired documents will be accepted; please do not email a scan or photograph).
- From your home page in Workday, click on the "Personal Information" app in the app menu
- From the Personal Information app, choose "Legal Name" in the Change menu:
- On the next screen, provide the effective date of your name change and the new name and click "Submit":
If you have any questions, issues, or would like to request/recommend a new prefix be added, please log a ticket here.