The review that department chairs will see in Workday as the "Manager Evaluation" for each faculty member will directly mirror the self-evaluation the faculty member. The sections and questions are intentionally the same so that chairs are responding to the same question - wording and all - that the faculty member responded to. That said, please be mindful that you are responding both to the prompt as well as what the faculty member wrote.
Below, find more notes on various sections throughout the review. If you need a refresher on the sections or flow of the review, please see the article on Faculty Self-Evaluations linked in the "Related Articles" section.
Chair-Specific Information: Manager Evaluations
- The "Manager Evaluation" task will come directly to your inbox as soon as the faculty member submits it. You will receive these individually on an ongoing basis throughout the winter.
- On the "Review & Submit" page, you are able to send an evaluation back to the faculty member. You do not have to fully complete the evaluation to send it back - you can use the page buttons on the left sidebar to jump directly to the final page in order to send a review back:
- If you "Send Back" a review to the faculty member, you will be prompted to provide a reason. Please make this reason as specific as possible, as the faculty member will receive an email and a Workday notification with the full reason submitted.
- Teaching Commentary
- Note that NO responses are required from the chair during this evaluation since requirements vary. Particularly for course listings, there may be no need to comment on the faculty member's response. You are encouraged to respond to any questions the faculty member commented on besides that question.
- Research/Scholarship, Service, & Leadership
- Completion of these sections is dependent upon the faculty type and departmental expectations. The report that contains the information from their Career Profile can be found by clicking on the lightbulb icon on the left sidebar, or you can always visit their Career Profile directly for more details and information.
- Goals
- In the evaluation AND on the faculty member's profile, you are able to add or edit their goals. It is recommended that you work directly with the faculty member and have them add/update their goals, however there are circumstances where having this capability can be helpful, such as adjusting action plans, adding categories, or adding goals related to University/college initiatives that all faculty members should update to address.
- Submission of the Manager Evaluation
- Once you submit the manager evaluation, both your responses as well as the faculty member's responses are locked and can no longer be edited.
- If you would like to print a copy of the evaluation prior to submitting it, you can do so using the print icon on the left sidebar of the evaluation. You can also access a PDF copy of the evaluation at any time after you submit your evaluation from the faculty member's Performance tab on their profile:
- Print icon inside the evaluation:
- Performance tab of the faculty member's profile:
- Discuss the review with the faculty member
- After you submit the manager evaluation, you will automatically receive a new task in your Workday inbox, "Discuss Performance Review with Employee", prompting you to have a conversation with the faculty member directly. Do not submit this task until you are ready for the faculty member to review your full comments and responses. Please consult with your college about how and when to meet with faculty members regarding their reviews.

- Once you submit this task, the faculty member will receive a task in their Workday inbox to acknowledge your comments and the receipt of the review.
Tracking Evaluations: Team Performance
Chairs and Deans have access to the "Team Performance" app in Workday. On this screen, you can see which faculty members have completed their evaluations and which are in progress, as well as access critical reports and resources to assist you in managing the annual faculty reviews. The main report will show you each faculty member and the status of their annual review. Only those reviews that have been fully completed and acknowledged by the faculty member will be listed as "Successfully Completed" - all others will be listed as "In Progress". For chairs and deans who also manage staff, there is a separate tab for staff performance to assist you in tracking those reviews each spring.
Access this app via the main menu:

In this app, you have 3 columns to assist you in tracking annual reviews:
- The first column ("SJU Faculty Review Status Summary for Academic Chairs") gives you a list of all faculty with open evaluations.
- The second column shows a chart of how many reviews are sitting at each step of the process, such as how many reviews are with faculty (self-evaluations) and how many are with the chair/Dean (manager evaluations). "Blank" means that review and acknowledgement is fully complete and no further action is needed.
- Below the chart is a table with the full count - clicking on either the bars in the chart or the numbers in the table below it will give you a list of faculty members in that step of the review process.
- The third column is a list of reports, resources, and links to critical/helpful items in Workday to assist you in reviewing and managing annual reviews.
If you encounter any issues with the "SJU Faculty Review Status Summary for Academic Chairs" report, start by clicking on the gear icon to make sure it is set on the correct review template, which is denoted by the year:

You can also see which step a specific faculty member's review is on by clicking on the "In Progress" number next to their name in the Team Performance dashboard OR by visiting the Performance tab of their profile:
- On the report:
- On the faculty member's profile:
Should you have any questions, issues or concerns related to the use of faculty annual reporting within Workday, please submit a Workday ticket.
Should you have any questions, issues or concerns related to the substantive content of the faculty annual report, or the faculty annual reporting process in general, please contact your department chair.