Slate Security Account Request

What is it?

Management of secure access to Slate and information stored within it.

Who can use it?

Slate "captains" or area representatives:
Undergraduate Admissions: Gus DiStefano, Mike Payne
Graduate CAS/EH Admissions: Lauren Weiss
Graduate HP: Aimee Viggiani
Graduate HSB Admissions: Laura Cortese, Jon Dart
Kinney Center for Autism Education and Support: Alli Gatti MacNamara, Victoria Priest 

Where can I access this service?

If you require a Slate account, please contact a captain to have them submit the request. Requests not submitted by captains will be denied. If you are a Slate captain, click the green button that reads "Request Service" to the right.


Slate Security Account


Service Offering Id: 1333
Thu 7/7/22 1:49 PM
Fri 12/8/23 12:03 PM