Initial review of your Application for Academic Forgiveness will be completed by an Associate Dean. After this, you will be required to meet with the Department Chair or Program Director for your major to develop an Academic Plan for completing all requirements for your degree. Final approval of your application will not be granted until all of these steps are completed.Applications must be completed at least 4 weeks before registration for courses. However, approval of return does not guarantee seats in desired classes.If you are considering applying to a graduate program in a health profession, at the time you request Academic Forgiveness, please request a transcript showing your grades before academic forgiveness is approved and save it for future use.
• If you are an Undergraduate Student and answered yes to the previous questions about completing courses elsewhere, you will need to submit a Permission to Take Courses Elsewhere form (one form per course request), using the following link: Transfer depends upon courses meeting standard transfer rules as well as limits on transfer courses. Please submit that form right away. Also, please list those courses here:• If you are a Graduate Student and answered yes to the previous questions about completing courses elsewhere, please see your Graduate Program Director to discuss transferability of courses. *