Application for Academic Forgiveness

Initial review of your Application for Academic Forgiveness will be completed by an Associate Dean. After this, you will be required to meet with the Department Chair or Program Director for your major to develop an Academic Plan for completing all requirements for your degree. Final approval of your application will not be granted until all of these steps are completed.

Applications must be completed at least 4 weeks before registration for courses. However, approval of return does not guarantee seats in desired classes.

If you are considering applying to a graduate program in a health profession, at the time you request Academic Forgiveness, please request a transcript showing your grades before academic forgiveness is approved and save it for future use.

Student name if different than requester.
Your 8 digit ID number located on student ID card.
Email address for correspondence.
Please enter your current major.
What has changed so that you will be able to return and be successful in your studies and graduate? What lessons did you learn in your time away and how will you address previous areas of poor performance?
List courses that you want to have converted to a grade of AF after completion of a semester in good standing. Select enough courses that you will be in “good standing” after academic forgiveness (2.0 GPA for undergraduates, 3.0 for graduates):
Did you take courses elsewhere during your time away?
Did you complete any courses at other universities or colleges during your time away that you would like to request be transferred to SJU?
Did you take courses elsewhere during your time away?

• If you are an Undergraduate Student and answered yes to the previous questions about completing courses elsewhere, you will need to submit a Permission to Take Courses Elsewhere form (one form per course request), using the following link: Transfer depends upon courses meeting standard transfer rules as well as limits on transfer courses. Please submit that form right away. Also, please list those courses here:

• If you are a Graduate Student and answered yes to the previous questions about completing courses elsewhere, please see your Graduate Program Director to discuss transferability of courses. *

I have contacted or will immediately contact the Department Chair for my Major or Program Director to develop an Academic Plan for completing all degree requirements. I understand that Academic Forgiveness will not be approved until I have done so.
If you have answered yes to the previous question about contacting your Department Chair or Program Director of your Major or Program to develop an Academic Plan for completing your Major or General Education requirements, please upload an Email or typed document outlining your discussed Academic Plan.
I understand that use of Academic Forgiveness will extend my time at SJU...
I understand that use of Academic Forgiveness will extend my time at SJU, which will incur additional costs, and may impact financial aid eligibility. I will be in touch with the Offices of Financial Aid and Student Accounts to learn more about both.
I understand that use of Academic Forgiveness will extend my time at SJU...
I understand that if approved, Academic Forgiveness is irrevocable...
...and in general will be contingent upon successful completion of one term (semester or summer) in good academic standing immediately following return. Grades will not be changed and transcript will not be updated until that time.
I understand that if approved, Academic Forgiveness is irrevocable...
I understand that Academic Forgiveness can only be used once...
I understand that Academic Forgiveness can only be used once, and I commit myself to remaining in good academic standing for the rest of my time at SJU. If I don’t, I understand that I may be dismissed from the University.
I understand that Academic Forgiveness can only be used once...
Please type your first name, last name, and today's date.

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