Onboarding & Orientation (Staff/Administrative Employees)

Onboarding New Staff & Administrative Employees

All new hires at Saint Joseph's University go through some amount of "onboarding", referring to both the logistical paperwork and processes that need to be completed for an employee to start as well as the introductions to the University community and job training. The Office of Human Resources is committed to partnering with both stakeholders across the University who participate in this process as well as providing support, guidance, and resources to hiring managers as they begin working with new employees.

Orientation is an event; onboarding is a process.

Quality onboarding can reduce employee turnover, prevent burnout, and build team engagement, fostering a sense of belonging. Onboarding begins prior to an employee's first day and truly only ends when the employee no longer feels like "the new person" - when they have a sense of ownership over their position, a familiarity with their colleagues and the University, and when they become trusted members of your team. 

The Human Resources orientation sessions are meant to set a positive, welcoming tone for your new team members, but it is critical that hiring managers and departments are also full participants in this process to ensure its success.

See below for more information about what the Human Resources onboarding and orientation processes entail as well as expectations & ideas for departments and hiring managers. If your department is interested in learning more or developing a stronger or more formal onboarding program, please reach out to Rachel Callahan, HR Partner for Learning & Development, at rcallaha@sju.edu

Human Resources Onboarding & Orientation

Onboarding Paperwork

Onboarding paperwork required for all new hires has moved into Workday. As soon as new hires are processed by the Office of Human Resources and have activated their SJU credentials, they are able to log into Workday to view all paperwork and tasks required to get started. These tasks include, but are not limited to, required background checks, payment & tax election information, updating contact and emergency contact information, and other critical items. These items must be completed prior to the new employee's start date. Incomplete items could delay their start date or delay their first paycheck, depending on the item, the employee's position, and other factors. Team members from the Office of Human Resources will work with new employees at their orientation session to ensure all items are complete.


Orientation Sessions

Hiring Dates & Orientation Schedule 

All new staff and administrators will begin on one of the designated hiring dates that correspond with a Human Resources New Hire Orientation session. New employees will be instructed to report to the location of the orientation session, which will be updated on the orientation spreadsheet as locations change or dates are added. (Smaller orientations will be held directly in Saint Mary's Hall.) This timely and centralized orientation session allows the University to streamline multiple processes as well as ensure all required paperwork and items are completed prior to the employee beginning their position.

All hiring managers are welcome to attend the networking & coffee hour with their new employees on the day of their orientation! 


Conclusion of Orientation

At the end of the orientation session, hiring managers should meet their new team member at the Technology Service Center (Science Center, 129) 

  • If your team member is receiving a laptop, they will do so at this time - please meet them there at 12:45 to bring them back to your office (or to lunch)
  • If your team member is not receiving a laptop, please meet them at 12:15 to bring them back to your office (or to lunch)
  • If you and/or your team member will be solely or primarily located on the University City campus, they can be escorted to the shuttle after receiving their laptop. Please alert Rachel Callahan, HR Campus Partner for Learning & Development, prior to the employee's start if this is needed


Department Responsibilities & Best Practices

Hiring managers and departments are responsible for a number of other items and planning that will create a robust and positive experience for new employees.

Specific responsibilities (including but not limited to):

  • Review the article "New Employee Technology Onboarding" to ensure the Office of Information Technology (link in "Related Articles" on the sidebar) - make sure to Request a computer if your new team member will need it.
  • Review the SJU Brand & email signature guidelines
  • Office/department and other stakeholder introductions & meetings
  • Specific job training
  • Review 90-day goals and expectations

Required Bridge Compliance Modules

All new hires are assigned a compliance program in Bridge on their first day, which must be completed within 2 weeks of their start date. Employees who do not complete these required modules will be alerted, and lack of completion will be escalated to supervisors for intervention and assistance. Please work with your new employee to ensure they have the time and understand Bridge enough to complete these modules. 

Modules can be completed in any order, and all progress is auto-saved, so employees can stop and start whenever they need to and pick up where they left off.

Program modules:

  1. Getting Started in Bridge
  2. Employee Handbook Acknowledgment (links to both faculty & staff/administrative handbooks are available)
  3. Building an Inclusive Campus Community
  4. COVID-19 Vaccination Policy Acknowledgment
  5. Responsible Authority Proficiency in Incident Disclosure
  6. Protecting Children: Identifying & Reporting Sexual Misconduct
  7. Business Conduct & Conflict of Interest Policy
  8. Emergency Preparedness
  9. Active Shooter Guidelines

Any questions or issues with Bridge can be submitted here.

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Article ID: 140518
Fri 7/15/22 2:35 PM
Thu 7/21/22 2:17 PM

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When a new employee begins at SJU, it is the responsibility of their manager to ensure that their Information Technology needs are taken care of.