When a new employee begins at SJU, it is the responsibility of their manager to ensure that the following Information Technology needs are taken care of:
Before the Employee's Start Date
- Order a computer and any other technology needed if this is a new position. This should be ordered several weeks in advance. Be sure to note the employee's start date in the purchasing information.
- As a result of supply chain issues, delivery time is greatly extended. It is important to give our team as much notice as possible in order to ensure your new hire has a computer on their first day.
- If this is a replacement position, please enter a ticket here or call 610-660-2920 and we will assign a computer from our inventory. Be sure to give the TSC 1-2 weeks notice in advance of the employee starting. Be sure to note any special technology needs. Items that are outside of our standard will be funded through the user's department.
- Once the employee has a username, the manager should request Banner access, add to relevant departmental Google Groups, Department Shared Drives in Google, etc. Banner access needs to be requested by a Banner Security Officer.
- Request VPN access for Banner or Cognos users who are hybrid or remote.
- Arrange for new employee to have phone line setup.
Once the Employee Begins
- Provide the employee with instructions on updating their chosen name
- Make sure the employee has setup their voicemail
- Employee will need to go to the Office of Public Safety & Security to get campus ID. If swipe access is needed for new employee, manager will need to arrange with the Office of Public Safety & Security.
- During New Hire Orientation, on the new employee's first day at SJU, they will be able to set a password for their SJU account and learn about the following:
- The Nest and Workday: payroll information, tax information, vacation time, purchasing equipment, employee trainings, etc.
- Banner training should be provided in your department as each area users different Banner forms and has different processes. IT does not provide Banner training.