Federal Work Study: What to Expect

What to Expect

There are 3 possibilities when submitting to hire a student with Federal Work-Study funding:

  • Student has completed all steps and has been verified or does not require verification - hire goes to Financial Aid Office for approval. You will be notified when student can begin working.
  • Student has not completed a FAFSA, has not accepted award, has denied the award, or is pending verification - Workday system will check for status updates for two weeks. If all steps haven't been successfully completed in two weeks, the hiring manager will be prompted via a Workday Inbox item to cancel the transaction. You may hire the student as a Student Worker if your department has the funds.
  • Student is ineligible for FWS or has had their award canceled - hiring manager will be immediately prompted to cancel the transaction. You may hire the student as a Student Worker if your department has the funds.


Federal Work Study Reminders

For Federal Work Study positions, you MUST complete a Position Description and a Supervisor Acknowledgement form before positions for your department will be approved. You will receive those documents via email from the Financial Aid Office.

The Pay Rate for Federal Work Study must be approved by the Financial Aid Office. Offices who have previously hired Federal Work Study students are not required to complete a job
description as there should be one on file with the Financial Aid Office. Refer to your position description for that rate or pay for the student or contact Financial Aid.

Be mindful of your budget when permitting hours, maximum of 20 hours per week (35 hours is permitted in Summer Semester only). If you surpass this aid you will need to pay out of your
departmental budget to have the student continue to work. As a supervisor, you are responsible for monitoring your students’ earnings.


See Knowledge Base Article Hiring Student Workers & Federal Work-Study Students in Workday for details on how to hire Student Employees including Federal Work Study

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