Student Hire Is Submitted, Not Processed: What Else Is Needed?

Student Hire Processing

If you have submitted your Student Worker or Federal Work Study hire in Workday, but it is not approved/processed, there are a few things that may be causing the delay. One issue may be it simply has not been enough time. Please submit hires 2 weeks before the start date to allow time for the hires to be reviewed by all parties before the anticipated start date of the student. Other reasons may be that you did not finish the hiring process or the student has not done their onboarding/I-9 Form. See Student Hiring & Onboarding Practices Knowledge Base Article for more details on Student Employee Onboarding.

Where To Find The Status of Your Hires' Processing in Workday

Step 1: Log into Workday and under "View all Apps," navigate to "My Team Management." There you will see the progress of your hires as pictured below. Click "View More."


Step 2: After Selecting "View More" as pictured above, click the colored status bar to see who the hire is pending with. If it pending with you, select the arrow as circled below to move to the next screen and take action.

Step 3: After selecting the arrow as mentioned above, you will be directed to the next screen where you can "Open" the task you need to complete

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Article ID: 140919
Tue 8/2/22 9:34 PM
Thu 8/29/24 9:22 AM