Any Canvas user can upload videos and/or audio to Assignments, Discussions, or Pages, by accessing the Panopto Media Widget.
1. Navigate to the Page, Assignment, Discussion, or Announcement where you would like to embed the videos and/or audio.
2. Click on the Panopto icon, which looks like a green circular ribbon. If you do not see the icon in the toolbar, click on the 3 vertical dots to the right of the toolbar, and the toolbar will expand, then select the Panopto. The Panopto window will open.

3. A window will appear that shows the embedded video/audio selector. You have three options for embedding Panopto content: Choose, Upload, and Record.
To choose an existing recording, browse through your available folders and select your video/audio. Choose your embedded player preferences under Video Embed Options and select Insert. Note: To learn more about the Video Embed Options, see Learn About the Video Embed Options in an LMS.

To upload an existing file, select the Upload tab. On this tab, drag and drop up to 100 video/audio files at a time or click to browse your computer for files. After adjusting the Video Embed Options, and select Insert. To learn more about the Video Embed Options, see Learn About the Video Embed Options in an LMS. Note: Panopto will use the file name as the session name, but you can rename this while the content is uploading.

On the Record tab, select either Launch Capture to record with Panopto Capture or Launch App to record with Panopto for Windows or Panopto for Mac. Once you are done, adjust the Video Embed Options and select Insert. To learn about recording with Panopto, please use the following links for more information.To learn more about the Video Embed Options, see Learn About the Video Embed Options in an LMS. Note: If you do not have the desktop application downloaded to your machine, click the Download link to download the recorder.

7. Once insert has been selected, the video will appear in the assignment text editor. To save the video/audio file to the page and see the video thumbnail, please click Save/Post Reply at the bottom of the Rich Content Editor.