How can I subscribe to the SJU Academic Calendar?

  1. Navigate to:
  2. Choose from 1 of 2 preferred options: Weekly Email or iCalendar Subscribe

Weekly Email: you will receive weekly emails with links in the email to see event details, add events to your personal calendar, set reminders, and more.

Unsubscribe at any time by selecting a link in the footer of the upcoming-events email you receive.


iCalendar Subscribe: Add a new calendar in your calendar program that automatically reflects additions and updates to the website calendar.


In most cases, just selecting the webcal link will add a new calendar in your calendar application and subscribe to updates.

For specific Outlook instructions, see Office Support: View and subscribe to Internet calendars

To subscribe in Google Calendar or Mozilla Thunderbird - Lightning Calendar, copy the link and paste it into the appropriate address or location field in the calendar application.

For specific instructions, see:

On an Android device, you can't subscribe by clicking the webcal link. Subscribe in Google Calendar, and then sync your calendars using a calendar app on your device.

To unsubscribe, in your calendar program, delete the calendar.

Tip On the iPhone or iPad, to unsubscribe go to your device Settings. In Mail, Contacts, and Calendars, under Subscribed Calendars, delete the calendar account.

If you use more than one calendar program (for example, Google Calendar and Outlook), you can control which program a browser opens when you subscribe via an iCalendar URL.

  1. In your browser, follow instructions for how to set which programs handle specific file types and protocols.
  2. For the .ics file and/or webcal protocol handler, set the calendar program you prefer.

Tip You can set different .ics and webcal handlers in each browser you use.




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