Using your new SJU account and your legacy PA College account can be confusing. This sheet will show you which credentials to use, and when. If you receive an error similar to what you see below when trying to access an application, please follow the steps below to resolve.

The error above will happen when you've attempted to log into a PA College service or environment using your SJU username and password. For example, if you try to log in to the PA College portal (https://my.pacollege.edu) with your username@sju.edu credentials, you'll receive the error. The same thing will happen if you attempt to log into the SJU portal (https://nest.sju.edu) with your username@pacollege.edu account.
Below, we'll outline a few different ways to correct this.
*We recommend that users log out of any sessions that they are currently logged into as a way to help correct login issues.
- If you're not sure where to start, navigate to https://portal.office.com.
If you're already signed in to either your SJU or PA College account, you'll see something like these 2 examples below:

- You can do one of two things here. First, you can just select "Sign Out", which will log you out of your active session to either of the two accounts that you're currently logged in with. Once you've signed out, this will allow you to then navigate to the website you're trying log into.
- The second option is to click the "Sign in with a different account". This will get you to a screen similar to this:

- If you don't see either your SJU account or your PA College account, you can click on "use another account". This will allow you to enter the username and password for which Campus you'll need to log into.
- Any easy way to tell that you're logging into a PA College resource is by looking at the login screen, which will show you a small logo in the upper corner:

- Once you've successfully logged into both portal at least once, you'll be able to toggle between both portals when you go to https://portal.office.com

You'll not see an option at the bottom that will let you switch to your PA College account, or vice versa.
If you have any questions, please contact the Technology Service Center at 610.660.2920.