Embedding Videos in Canvas Quiz When Using Respondus

Use the steps below to create video questions in a Canvas quiz that function while using Respondus LockDown Browser. To ensure students can only view the video while taking the quiz, Share settings and the location of the video are critical. Please follow both steps and reach out to the Academic Technology Team for support if needed.


1. Enable the correct Share Settings: 

  1. Access Panopto directly and locate the video you want to embed.

  2. Click the Share button that becomes available when you hover over the video.

    1. Screenshot of a Panopto video with the Share icon circled.

  3. Click the Change button under “Who can access this video”  and select Public (unlisted). This will allow anyone who has the link to view the video, but will not make the video searchable in databases. 

    1. Screenshot of Panopto Share settings menu with the change access button circled.

    2. Screenshot of Panopto Share settings menu with the “Public (unlisted)” option circled.

  4. Click the Embed button. Edit any necessary options using the checkboxes. Then click Copy the embed code.

    1. Screenshot of Panopto Share settings menu with the “Embed” and “Copy Embed Code” buttons circled.


2. Embed the video in a Canvas Quiz:

  1. Access your Canvas course and navigate to the quiz

    1. Screenshot of the Quizzes page of a Canvas course circled and an individual quiz circled.

  2. Click the Build button.

    1. Screenshot of a quiz editing page with the “Build” button circled.

  3. Select which question you would like to add the video to. For an existing question, click the pencil icon on the right-hand side to edit. To create a new question, select the blue plus icon in the center of the page, then select the question type.

    1. Screenshot of a quiz building page with the new question and edit question buttons circled.

  4. Click in the text box labeled “Add Question Stem…” (also referred to as the Rich Content Editor or RCE) to edit. 

    1. Screenshot of a question editing page with the “Add question stem…” text box circled.

  5. Click on the Embed button from the toolbar. It looks like a small cloud with <> inside.

    1. Screenshot of the Rich Content Editor with the “Embed” button circled.

  6. Paste the Panopto embed code in the pop-up box and click Submit.

    1. Screenshot of the embed pop-up window.

  7. Make any other needed edits to the question/answers.

    1. To resize the text box for editing purposes, use the diagonal arrow or resize handle on the bottom right-hand side of the text box.

    2. Screenshot of the Rich Content Editor with the resizing buttons circled.

  8. Click Done below the question to continue editing other questions, or click Return on the top right-hand side of the window to exit the quiz.

It's important to test embedded videos before the exam time to ensure that the video plays as expected in the quiz with Respondus LockDown Browser. The Academic Technology Team can assist with testing when you submit a ticket or join Coffee & Answers open support sessions.

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