Key Terms - Course Design

Term Definition 

Academic Stakeholder

Your Academic Stakeholder is typically the Chair of your department or the Associate Dean and is responsible for reviewing and approving your course at the end of the course development cycle.

Closed Captioning 

Closed Captioning for video provides a text version of conversations and audio on screen. Closed captioning allows video content to be accessible to all students and provides a way to view content without sound.

Course Navigation Menu

The Course Navigation Menu is a series of links on the left side of your course that help you and your students access different course areas.

Depending on the structure of your course, you can choose to reorder and hide course navigation links.

Global Navigation Menu

The Global Navigation Menu is the menu to the far left in Canvas. This menu allows you to access your Account, Dashboard, Courses, Calendar, Inbox, Commons, and Help.


The Modules page, in Canvas, looks similar to the assignments index page. However, the Modules page allows the instructor a way to manage the course content and structure the learning path through requirements and prerequisites.

Rich Content Editor

The Rich Content Editor (RCE) allows you to add links, attach files and images, or format text. Using the RCE, you can also access the Accessibility Checker in Canvas, to ensure that your course content is accessible to all students. 


Transcripts are the text version of video and audio content in a single document. Closed Captions and transcripts provide alternative formats of audio and video content and meet accessibility requirements.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Universal Design is a way to make learning more attainable for all students, including students with disabilities. It may also reduce the need for some individualized accommodations by providing flexible and customizable delivery of content, assignments, and activities. A universally designed course lays the foundation for which all students can have access to course materials.