Why are my Qualtrics surveys being flagged as phishing attempts?

When sending an email from sju.qualtrics.com to an sju.edu address, Gmail will flag it as a potential phishing attempt.  When composing the distribution email, you will need to change the "From" field from "noreply@qemailserver.com" to  "sju_survey@qemailserver.com."  


This change will avoid any issues with our local Gmail server and local surveys from Qualtrics.




In order to avoid Gmail flagging your survey as a phishing attempt Be sure to change "noreply@qemailserver.com" to  "sju_survey@qemailserver.com."  as indicated in the screen shots below.




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Article ID: 72897
Fri 3/1/19 3:03 PM
Mon 3/4/19 11:36 AM