Where can I purchase Windows for my Mac?


1) If your Mac, has the new M-series chip, it will NOT be able to run Windows natively. You will first need to purchase and install a virtual machine at Parallels or VMware.

2) This article only applies to a personally owned Mac, not one that has been issued to you and is managed by SJU. 

Before purchasing your copy of Windows for your Mac it is important to make sure your Mac will support the storage and installation requirements.  We recommend that you Mac have a minimum of 256GB of space available on the hard drive to ensure that it will run efficiently.

How to purchase your copy of Windows:

Please visit the site:  http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msusa/en_US/pdp/Windows-8.1-Pro-for-Students/productID.288769600

Click the Buy now and Download button

Click Checkout

You will be brought to a login box.  You will need to create a Microsoft username and password by clicking the link at the bottom that reads Sign Up Now (Please note: this is different than your SJU Office 365 account if you have one)

Use your SJU email address when going through the registration process (for example, jh654321@sju.edu)

Once registration process is complete you will be asked to verify your account so you will need to check your SJU email to click and confirm the account.

Once the verification process is complete you will be brought to the payment screen to complete the payment process.

Once the payment process is complete you will brought to the confirmation screen which will provide the Windows Product key.  Please write this down or take a screenshot (Cmd + Shift + 3).

At this time, bring your product key to the Technology Service Center to complete the install.

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