Instructors: Integrate Macmillan courses with Canvas
This article is for instructors using a deep integration of their Macmillan course with Canvas. Deep integration is currently available for Macmillan courses using the following platforms: Achieve, LaunchPad, Writer's Help 2.0, and Sapling Learning (Higher Ed only).
If you are using a basic integration, see the help article Instructor set-up of basic LTI integration with Canvas.
If you are using Sapling Learning, integration settings must be configured in your Sapling Learning course by your Client Success Specialist before you will be able to proceed with integration. Please email before students enroll in your course if you intend to use LMS integration.
Table of Contents
Preparing your Macmillan course for Canvas integration
Before integrating your Macmillan course with Canvas, please first prepare your course.
Get access to your product
Create your course and make it available to students
Create assignments
If you are using LaunchPad or Writer's Help 2.0 and already have an LMS integrated course from a previous semester, see the instructions in the help article Copy an LMS course integrated with Macmillan content. The course copy feature is currently not available with Sapling Learning and Achieve deep integration.
Once these steps are complete, proceed with your Canvas integration. If you have any difficulty setting up your course and assignments, please contact Customer Support.
Important notes on course set-up
After activating your Macmillan course for student registration, you may see auto-generated registration instructions to distribute to students. Ignore these instructions and do not include them in your Canvas course. These are for students who are not accessing Macmillan content within Canvas. See the student registration instructions at the bottom of this article for more information.
Do not prompt students to enter their LMS ID. This is not required for LMS integration or for gradesync to work.
Enabling the Macmillan Learning app in Canvas
The following video shows instructions for both enabling the Macmillan Learning app in Canvas and Linking a Macmillan Course with Canvas.
This video is specific to LaunchPad. If you are integrating with another product, you can use this video as a guideline but make sure to select the correct Macmillan product (Achieve, LaunchPad, or Sapling Learning) to connect with.
Please note: The Macmillan Learning App will be available in your school’s Canvas site only after your Canvas Administrator has completed the integration setup with the assistance of the Macmillan Learning Integration team. If you do not see the Macmillan Learning App available in your course, please contact your Macmillan Learning Representative.
Click on "Settings" at the bottom of the left-hand menu of your Canvas course
Click the Navigation tab.
The Macmillan Learning app will appear at the bottom in the list of hidden items. Drag and drop the app into the active course navigation list to make it visible.
Click Save.

Linking a Macmillan course with Canvas
Click "Macmillan Learning" in your left navigation menu
Note: If you experience an error message, see the help article LMS integration troubleshooting.

Connect with your Macmillan product
Click on the Macmillan product you wish to connect with.
For LaunchPad and Writer's Help 2.0, click Connect with LaunchPad.
For Sapling Learning, click Connect with Sapling.
For Achieve including Achieve Read & Practice, click Connect with Achieve.
Note: If a new window or tab does not open after clicking on Connect with your Macmillan product, see the help article LMS integration troubleshooting for information on how to adjust your browser settings and disable pop-up blockers.

Enter your Macmillan credentials and click "Submit"
Note: If you do not use the same e-mail address that you used to create your Macmillan course, your course will not show as available to link to Canvas.

Continue with sign-on or provisioning
Click Continue or Continue Provisioning, depending on what you see.

Click "Authenticate"

Click "Authorize"
Click "Continue"

Locate your Macmillan course and click "Associate"
Note: We recommend preparing your Macmillan course before reaching this stage.

Click "Yes, Associate This Course"

Click "OK"

New tools will be displayed on the Macmillan Tools page
Your Macmillan course will now be linked to Canvas and the Macmillan Learning app will be re-displayed with a number of new tool links.

Deploying Macmillan gradebook items to Canvas
The following video shows instructions for deploying graded Macmillan items to Canvas.
This video is specific to LaunchPad. If you are integrating with another product (Achieve or Sapling Learning), you can use this video as a guideline but be aware of any special rules for your product as described in the text below.
Please Note: Any Macmillan items deployed to Canvas in the manner described in this section will produce a gradebook column in Canvas. To deploy Macmillan items without a gradebook column, please follow the instructions in the next section.
Due dates and points must be set in your Macmillan course. If these are changed in Canvas, the automatic grade sync might not function properly. To update due dates and point values in Canvas after they are changed in the Macmillan course, follow the instructions in the help article Instructors: Troubleshoot Macmillan Learning deep integration with Canvas.
If you are using Sapling Learning, you do not need to assign items with a due date in order to deploy and sync grades to Canvas. The assignments only need to be visible to students in Sapling Learning and have point values higher than zero.
Macmillan gradebook categories and calculations do not transfer from Macmillan to Canvas. Please create Assignment Groups and Rules for Assignment Groups within Canvas to utilize weighted percentages or drop lowest scores.
Click "Macmillan Learning" in the left navigation menu, then click "Macmillan Content"
Note: If you experience an error message, or a new window or tab does not open after clicking on Macmillan Content, see the help article LMS integration troubleshooting for information on how to adjust your browser settings and disable pop-up blockers.

View your Macmillan content inside Canvas
In the next window, click the orange drop-down arrow to expand the Assignments folder. Click the check boxes next to the assignments that you wish to deploy. Grey, unbolded font indicates that the item is available for deployment.
Note: Assignments with a bold font have already been deployed to Canvas. Macmillan assignments reside in Canvas’ Assignments tab. Please visit this article to add an assignment that is already deployed to a Canvas module, or this article to remove an assignment from Canvas.

Select items and click "Next: Choose Location"

Choose location
There are four options for locations in Canvas to deploy Macmillan assignments:
If you do not wish to deploy items to a Canvas module, do not select a location (leave as Choose a Module). Items will deploy only to the Assignments tab of Canvas.
Select a pre-existing Canvas module from the Choose a Module drop-down.
Select Choose Multiple Modules to add items to different modules.